Thursday, August 25, 2016

Chiropractor and Pretty Little Liars!

The left side of my body started hurting around two years ago. This summer, I decided, enough is enough! I started my quest for equal body sides by googling "left side doctors". Well, somehow, nothing came up. I then decided, hey, chiropractor, what what. So, I did some research and discovered a chiropractor practice just minutes from my apartment. Of course, after two years of waiting, I decided my left side needed to be fixed IMMEDIATELY. My hurried nature resulted in me being too impatient on a Sunday to wait for a Monday to call the docs, and online booking an appointment. This would have made sense, until I later realized that I accidentally booked an appointment in California with a chiropractor that has a similar name to the one in Rhode Island. My health insurance is okay, but I don't think it would cover such costs. Anyway, my first trip to my local chiropractor coincided with my newest unhealthy habit: a Pretty Little Liars obsession. Okay if I was sixteen and still on my *NSYNC and Buffy the Vampire Slayer kick, this would be appropriate, but I am literally 32 so....Anway....A dear friend came and visited me in the beginning of July and in between riding scooter-coupes around and taking relaxing ferry rides, she introduced me to the show. All of a sudden, I did my first ever "binge watching" of a show. Well, that's a lie, I did binge watch every episode of Impractical Jokers (that's a whole other story). Pretty Little Liars sort of took over my life for a minute or so. I even started to get momentarily paranoid about life. For instance, in the story, one of the characters, Emily, went to get a massage and when her message therapist said she would be right back, "A" (think: stalker) ended up sneaking in and giving her a massage. Fast forward to me at the chiropractor for the first time and the chiro-man is like, "I'll be right back". I have no idea where he goes, but rest assured I looked up multiple times when he came back in and told me to "breathe in, breathe out"to make sure that he had not been replaced with an "A" character of my own. In that same episode of PLL, "A" had put steroids in Emily's pain ointment unbeknownst to her. You bet your fanny I was a little suspicious when my doctor handed me some Arnica gel to put on my left side. In the last two weeks, I have made the switch from the chiro-man who says he will be right back, to his associate. It has been a good change, but I am rather a nervous wreck while waiting to go in for my appointment, afraid of when chiro-man catches me cheating on him. The first time it happened, he came over to me and asked if I was ready for our appointment together. I hung my head in shame. I said I had already seen his associate today, I was so sorry. I went again this morning, very nervous again. As soon as he comes into the lobby, I loudly blurt "I'm cheating on you again! I'm sorry." then quickly avert my eyes. The guilt is too much. Meanwhile, chiro-lady has been very cool. She senses that I am a nervous person (shocker) and gives me little tips on breathing. Breathing is so difficult! Aaaand tomorrow I am going back to see chiro-man and chiro-lady's other associate to discuss nutrition. Wish me luck with that guilt!


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  2. Once I decided to seek out care from a chiropractor, it was a definite game changer. Like you, I also “dated” a few in order to find the right specialist for me. I am so glad that I sought chiropractor care as an option for my one sided weakness and I am sure you will continue to like it as well.
