Friday, June 29, 2012

Singles Shot.

I keep passing this Rite Aid and doing a double take because I think it says that SINGLE shots are now available (as in shots for single people). Finally! A remedy for my kind! I'm unsure if such a shot would help singletons sow their wild oats and get their lives/careers in check more quickly so they are ready to settle, or if it would have the opposite affect and increase one's independence even more so. Verdict is out on that one. I guess it doesn't matter however because there is no single shots, just shingle shots....

And even though I pass this store on the regs, I literally have to correct myself every time.

Also, looks like the Walgreens across the street is jumping on board with this one. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cat in box.

I KNOW today is going to be an amazing day because when I got up this morning I came out of my room to see Rags maxin' in the W.B. Mason box. Cat in box is much like the banana phone-never gets old.

Also, the sun is shining, birds are chirping, and I'm going to hang out with Ca$h Bird in Providence tonight! Booh-yah!

And I went to Home Depot today, gotta love the smell of wood.

In other news, as I'm always trying to better myself, I've decided I need to work on embodying the attitude of an NBA player and also that of Joan Rivers. Aggressive, focused, and ruthless.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I woke up this morning with this crazy hankering for bacon, a BLT to be specific. The only thing we have close enough to the glorious meat is ham that has been frozen. I don't feel the same way about ham as I do about bacon. I've been noshing on apples and putting off real food uncertain of what to do.  Do I really want to drive 40 minutes round trip for bacon? And then it hit me, yes I do. So, now I'm off to the grocery store where I will manage to conquer the deli counter. If nothing else, THIS is why I need to move back to a city. Bacon should always be a bodega away.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Downward cat.

I have a pretty excellent life plan set up and have been taking steps towards making it a reality. Often though, I feel totally stuck, unsure of what steps to make. I made the executive decision to forge ahead big time this week though. Just do it! Well, in my attempts to "just do it!", I definitely referred to Larry David in a cover letter and said that I liked writing lists so much it's nuts in another. Dead serious. It's okay. I feel good about it.

In other news.

I really don't understand why the downward dog is called the downward dog and not the downward cat. I see a hell of a lot more cats gettin' down like that than I do dogs.

Random (shocker), but I've been rockin' the hair with some wave lately and not only is it a nice change, but it has been great for brain flow. 

The end.

Monday, June 18, 2012

2008 iPod Resurrected.

My formerly dead iPod from 2008 has come back to life! Score! It's basically the same music that I listen to now, but there is definitely some classic tunes that I had somehow forgotten to re-download. And since this was early into my working at music venues stint, there are a lot less indie/emo/angst stuff and a lot more just straight up cheesy awesome. This iPod is also heavy with Weezer, Metallica, Usher, showtunes, big band, and of course, Christmas music. The last twelve songs: Everything You Want-Vertical Horizon, Walkin' on the Moon-The-Dream feat. Kanye West, Lovestoned/I Think She Knows Remix-Justin Timberlake, Slow Motion-Juvenile, I Miss You-Blink 182, Under My Thumb-Rolling Stones, Get Off Your High Horse Lady-Oasis, Shake Hands With Santa-Louis Prima, Neva Eva-Trillville, Take The Coltrane-Duke Ellington, Soul Sista-Bilal, and Shotgun-Junior Walker & the All-Stars. I'm feeling really very awesome jammin' out and dance partying. On a side note, I distinctly remember being obsessed with the line "guarantee I'm gonna see ya when I see ya" from Slow Motion. Now that's the kind of vague enthusiasm I want when making plans with someone.

Other random thoughts:

I almost put toothpaste on my razor the other day. Thank goodness I noticed what I was doing in time.

I'm sad the Celtics are out of the playoffs but it's probably for the best because I was getting way too stressed watching games.

I decided to start painting again. Why the hell not.

I'm about to start reading a book called "The Lost Girls" about three friends living in NYC who quit their jobs, broke up with their boyfriends, and traveled the world. This is most likely going to instill some crazy wanderlust. I also just entered a contest to win a trip to Italy. Once again, why the hell not.

Oh my, DMX just came on.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Grass Is Greener.

My Dad is letting me borrow this book and inside it I found a card I had given him from when I was little. It's a Far Side cartoon with the below picture accompanied by the caption "And this report just in...Apparently, the grass is greener on the other side." On the inside I wrote a note on behalf of the rest of my fam to my Dad. The note is as followed: "Hope you're feeling better. Enchoy the reading. We love you, and you better love us!"



Okay people, I have been long overdue for an epiphany and a few days ago I told myself I would have one this week. Well folks, it all went down yesterday around 2am. I couldn't sleep and was crying over nonsense to my Dad. So, he being the great guy he is, fixed me a stinger and gave me a pep talk centered around doing what YOU want in life, not what you SHOULD do. I've done a lot of sticking it out in my almost 28 years. This job is terrible. Let me work here for YEARS. This guy is total lame sauce. Let me keep liking him. No more! I had some random let's trust the gut breakthrough yesterday. Overthinking begone! So good. I feel like a free bird. It's like I've been blessed with a new found confidence that I can truly get out there, and do the damn thing! A most ablazing feeling!

I'm also very jazzed because it is June. June is my favorite month by far. It's starting to get nice on the regs, it's my birthday month, and it marks the start of summer, a time for easy living. Part of the reason I was kind of upset the other day is because my birthday is so soon. I had a lot of hope as I was turning 26 and then it seemed that all of things I was looking forward to totally blew up in my face just as I was turning 27. I was kind of fearful to have hope again but now I'm feeling very positive, proton style. This is going to be a kickass year. I also enjoy how even the number 28 is. I definitely have more off years when it's an odd number. For instance, 21, well I was a hot mess then for sure.

And it is no coincidence that today is National Doughnut Day! How amazing is that?! Actually, when I went to Dunkin, they were regrettably out of donuts. BUT! They did give me their LAST coupon for a free doughnut on a date of my choosing. Now this is good stuff. Basically, I get to choose when free doughnut day is. I'm not sure if life could get better. I'm also like 95% sure that the new star shaped doughnut is the same as the heart shaped doughnut that was featured in February and that was a hell of a doughnut.

Since I got home from work today, I started looking up flights to Portugal and also France...for a year from now. Because I want to go. And I'm going to. I don't understand why I don't have some kind of birthright that gets me to these places for free like Jewish people get to go to Israel. I'm half Portuguese and a quarter French. I should at least be able to get a half price and quarter rate deal. 

So, I wrote this book a bit ago about my experiences with dudes. It's kind of funny and pretty terrible. In my epiphany/creative awakening, I decided to add to the ending a recommendation list on what songs to listen to and what movies to watch when heart broken. It's a pretty extensive and ridiculous list ranging from Bright Eyes ('cause that guy needs a hug) and the obvious "I Can't Make You Love Me" by Bonnie Raitt, to the less obvious Three Six Mafia, because even when you're sad, you gotta stay fly. The movies are mainly mob classics because somehow the total lack of romance paired with nice action scenes does the heart good. As for tv shows, I do recall a phase I watched a lot of Laguna Beach when I was upset but that was so eight years ago. ANYWAY. In your local bookstore soon! Watch out now!

Speaking of pop culture shiz, Katie and I went to see Dark Shadows yesterday. We were between seeing that and What to Expect When You're Expecting, but neither of us had any desire to see anything involving pregnant people, couples, having kids, etc. Dark Shadows was totally weird but we dug it. Naturally.

In other news, being a Celtics fan is terrible for my anxiety. I've just been on the edge of my seat. The refs have been making some awful calls and it makes me angry inside.

What else. Well, today I broke out my nice sandals for work. I have been avoiding them because I hate the sound they make when they touch the floor. I like silent shoes, better for sneaking up on people. I practiced walking on tip toe around my house, but was happy when I realized the school I work in has enough carpet to minimize noise. Good stuff.

I'm officially naming Tom Collins my new drink of choice. It's good to have your own drink I think, very suave. I know Tom Collins are very old man, but they're delish and make me feel distinguished.

Anyhoo, that is all.