Thursday, December 17, 2009


My complete  goal list is to come but I have been mulling over some ones that MUST happen:

1. Pay off debt!!!!
2. Stop being so f-ing sensitive!!
3. NEVER contact a dude with the exception of it being boss/relative. Period.
4. GET NEW JOB!!!!!!!
5. Stop wearing pants with holes in the crotch!
6. Become ABLAZZZZZIIIIINGGGGG dancer! what what!
7. Quit eating stuff that totally f-s with my stomach!!!
8. Get laid.
9. Go on a date. Ever.
10. Spread cheer!

Trees, what what!!!

Pink tree up in the living room, goes glorious with the hot pink rug!!!
We ran out of decorations so we dressed this Bad Larry up in a scarf and hat. My roommate and I pretend it is a dude. He is so dapper!!!
The Roc!!!

Too bad he came out dark. This little critter light up and sings "Jingle Bells". He shimmys and is a true gem. Every once in a while he takes shimmying breaks. The roommate and I have spent countless hours trying to get the timing down so we stop when he does.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Trapped Cat!

Work, who does that?!

My productivity level and motivation at work is at an all-time low. Well, maybe not quite as bad as last year around this time when I was in fear of getting arrested from letting a kid make a copy of a dollar bill in my office. That was ROUGH. Police interrogations, not so fun.

Anyway. Sunday, did not sleep well aka AT ALL. Tossing and turning, thinking and blah, blah, blah.

Monday, I show up to work at 7:22 am, 38 minutes early. I cannot handle being there. AT ALL. I call my boss and leave a most ridiculous message. Something along the lines of: "Hey Rob, really tired. Blah blah. Got to work early, blah. May have breakdown. Blah. Cannot handle being here. Blah. Must go sleep. Blah. Aaaah, sorry."

My co-worker whom I have not seen in over a week (she was off preaching in Kentucky last week...what?!) came in. All of a sudden I think maybe I am overreacting and should stay. I'm back on with Rob's voice messaging system, when W (co-worker) makes some sort comment portraying her disgust in the Christmas music I'm playing. It's the only thing keeping me alive! I hang up on my boss' messaging system and peace the fudge out.

I obviously fall up the stairs leaving the train. I then park myself down on a random bench for 10 minutes. The reason, I am not sure. Then I go to bed for four hours.

Taco Boy

September 10th...or not. Does it matter?!

Note to Taco Boy:

Dear Taco Dude,

Please give me a ring if you ever want to get Mexican (food/not people) sometime.

*my number*

You're welcome,

He has never called. At first, I was convinced I somehow wrote "your" instead of "you're" and that it turned him off. I'll never know.

Cat's Dead, Gotta Move.

I'm pretty Terrible Town at keeping up with this Bad Larry. Must improve with my diligency ASAP! Playing catch-up is NEVER fun!!

Of course, having a computer that is not on the verge of death would help in this matter....

Anyway, since the last entry, way back in the fall, much has gone down.

For instance, September 8th-DEAD CAT!!!!!!!! This sucked hardcore to say the least. This is how it went down: Come home from work circa 5 pm, Slash greets me at the door. His collar is missing. This disappoints me so for it took me months to get it. Damn peeps at the pet place, not so reliable. The collar was pretty badass too, fish bones, etc. Anyway, collar missing. Cats are notorious for ripping those guys off so I didn't think too much about it.

So, anyway, I get home from dance around 10:00 pm to DEAD FUCKING CAT!!! That's right, DEAD CAT!!! Slash is laying infront of my window, tail poofed out, eyes open, DEAD. I am DEVASTATED, in SHOCK!, sad!!!!! The first people I think to call are my parents. Naturally, they are on vacation in damn mountains and have no phone reception whatsoever. I did not realize this and just thought they had turned off their phones. I left messages such as: "It'd be really great if you turned on your phone because my cat is DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDD!!!", etc.

Charlie ended up coming over. Since I was devastated in one of those we could die at any moment moods, I made her come with me to see if Taco Boy was working so I could hit on him. He was not. That's a whole nother story. Nother?? Is that a word?! Anyway, we then went to Matchless and I got bent. I bonded big time with the bouncer, Lou (?), and yelled "my cats dead" as boys walked by. They ran over to me.

Jane and her boy Carl/Karl burried Slash in the yard next to mine. I burried him with a note and one of his favorite toys and made a tombstone. A couple of weekends later, I came out of my apartment to find random people digging up the yard. WTF.

Wednesday, September 9th-new landlord informed me that my rent would be going up "slightly", from $700 to $1000. No big deal.

Hate life.

RIP Slash