Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This is all I've got....

Inside my brain, right now:

1. George Lucas museum is opening up in Chicago. For some reason, I keep thinking I'm reading that a George Lopez museum is opening up.

2. Raisins should not be so hard to find. I am relatively obsessed with them lately.  The same stupid store down the street that does not sell lemon juice, also does not sell raisins.

3. My cat should spend more time killing bugs instead of looking at bugs. It's pathetic, really.

4. First pants, then your shoes. But what if you're not wearing pants? 

5. The prophet I met the last week claimed that I should be feeling "lighter"...Do you think this lightness takes a few days to kick in? Not feeling all that light yet. If anything, I'm feeling heavier than usual....

Real life stories have been happening and need to be blogged about ASAP: Mermaid Parade, crafting, life stuff. Wait for it, wait for it! It's coming. I just need to organize the brain and tackle a to-do list first!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Turning 80.

It seems I'm about to turn 80, not 30. I tried to go out last night, crash a bachelorette party, because I've heard that's the healthy thing to do (going out, not crashing bachelorette parties).  Dude, the pregnant chick lasted longer than me.

I don't know what ya'll talk about with your parents, but my mom definitely turned to me the other day and said, "So, TI got into a fight with Floyd Mayweather, huh? Do you know what this fight is about?" Before I could answer, she went on, "I wouldn't mess with Floyd." Then lots of laughter. "It happened at a Fatburger! This is amazing! Oh my, they were throwing chairs!"