Sunday, December 30, 2012

Subaru in a ditch.

The snow started falling around 2pm on Satuday, December 29th. Matt Noise, the NECN weatherman, predicted that it would come earlier.  He was wrong. But when it did start to fall, it totally blanketed the sleepy town of Dighton, Massachusetts. It was not until 9pm, when there was at least 6 inches covering the ground, that my dad, rocking a full track suit, decided to do something about it.  "I'm going out in the Subaru!" he announced.  "Who's coming with me?" No one went with him.  He was beyond excited to get out there, to finally get to use his four-wheel drive.  "The only thing that would make this better is if the power went out." He is dying for the power to go out so that he can use his new generator.  Anyway, dad takes off in the Subaru. Thirty minutes or so later he is back in the house.  He mumbles about the Subaru now stuck in a ditch in the side yard.  It slipped there as he was parking; the ride itself was beautiful however. Instead of getting down, he decides it would be a most excellent time to get out the snow blower. FYI: it's still snowing out. It's pitch black outside. Another thirty or so minutes go by.  He comes back in, totally exhilarated.  "It's all part of the great adventure," he says.

Triple A is called in the morning to get the Subaru out of the ditch.
The snow blower had stopped working and the driveway was not clear.
We shovel.
The snow blower starts to work again.
Triple A had to come back a few hours later, with a much bigger truck.
Breakfast happened.
Everyone is now happy.

Dad: Exhilarated!

Also, I DO love my dad.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Apology Letter.

Dear Killah K Fans (also known as my mom),

Please forgive me for my lack of posts the last two months.  It seems that all of the sugar and whatnot has turned my brain to cotton candy. Literally, there have been no solid thoughts passing through my head in at least 60 days. I vow to eat less junk and to make a conscious effort to produce solid cognition in the upcoming year...Or something.

Thanks kindly for your support!

Best wishes,

Killah K

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

All I Want For Christmas is a Hoover Vacuum.

There is this five year-old I know who really likes vacuums. I asked him what he put on his Christmas List and he said a Hoover Vacuum.  He was really passionate about it. He told me he received his first vacuum last year, a Eureka, and it was amazing. This was pretty funny. Today he came into school rockin' a shirt with a picture of the floor cleaner that reads "I Heart Vacuum Cleaners".  Are you dead serious?!

There was a religion clash in art class the other day.  One six year-old pointed out that another (a Jehovah Witness) can't even celebrate Christmas. The non-celebrator  explained that she goes to meetings where they say how bad Christmas is. "It's even in the bible!" The other girl looked at her and said, "You can't listen to the bible. Santa Claus is awesome."

On a side note, today I spent recess running around, trying to prevent the playground aka ship from sinking. Good times.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Why don't fish like basketball??

The latest from kindergarten....

I love kindergarten. Snack time! Going down the slide at recess! Music class! Art class! Gym! Being excited for being able to zip up your own zipper!

The other day, there was an older gentleman substituting teaching the music class. Comedy central. He plays a pretty annoying Christmas song on the CD player and tells them to listen. Obviously, they're not listening. He writes a few of the words on the board. They cannot read these words. Literally. He then passes out a million instruments. The annoying Christmas song is still playing. He tells them to sing the song while playing the instruments. Chaos. These kids do not know the words, nor do they know how to play any of these instruments. A triangle flies across the room. I basically had a laughing fit throughout the entire fifty minutes of class and was of no help whatsoever.

I know you shouldn't pick favorites, but there is this one boy in class who takes pics of his cats for me and then brings in his camera to show me. Amazing. His parents renovated their upstairs and he took pics of that too.  He takes out his camera and is like, "here is the toilet" and "this is the tv". He made a cd of his mom singing in Portuguese for me. We discussed how his parents should put a radio station in their house and we can have out cats come and listen. Love it. He's  also always offering to bring in an extra snack for me. "I can ask my mom to pack an extra honey bun for you!" On Wednesday, he beckoned for me to come over. "I have to tell you in your ear. Santa can't hear." He then proceeded to tell me how he saw Santa last year, but Santa can't know this. Santa was putting gifts under the tree and his cat Penny was climbing the tree. Santa threw Penny off the tree but made sure that he landed on a soft spot. This kid is the best.  Cats! Snacks! Santa! Such great taste!. He also said that there is a parade of turkeys that walk through his yard on Thanksgiving that his family feeds. Another great thing about this kid is that he is a prankster. He brought in fake white-out to school and tricked all of the teachers. Soooo classic. Right up my alley.

This kid, as well as a few others, are always trying to share their food with me.  One boy literally tried to spoon feed me his JELLO the other day. "It's so good. You need to try it."

Some good quotes from the week:

Girl: "Miss Kristen, guess what! I am big enough for a booster seat now!" She is so excited.

Boy: "Do you want a gift? I have a gift for you!" He then proceeds to do armpit farts in my face.

Boy: "Someone made fun of me once in pre-school."
Me: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What did the person do?"
Boy: "He said 'na na na na na na' to me."
Me: "Oh, that's not very nice."

Boy: "Do you like applesauce?"
Me: "Yes."
Boy: "Pinky swear??"

Girl: "When I grow up I want to be a princess with a mermaid tail."

Boy: "When I grow up I want to be a dinosaur!"

I asked a kid why he was in the nurse's office. His response: "I laughed so hard I peed myself. It was so funny." I told him that that happens to me too sometimes.

And some jokes from the back of the milk carton:

Q: What do astronauts put on their launch?
A: Launch meat!

Q: Why did the cow put lipstick on her forehead?"
A: She was trying to make up her mind!

Q: Why don't fish like basketball?
A: They're afraid of the net!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Updated Life List!

I've been taking this exercise class called "Pound" which incorporates Pilates, dance, calisthenics  and drumsticks. I'm pretty much obsessed. There are a lot of girls in class, who I can tell, view the whole thing as just another way to stay in shape.  Meanwhile, I'm there, channeling my best Ginger Baker, pounding that shit hard, and doing lots of head banging. I have now decided to add learning how to play the drums to my extended life list. I'm fairly certain that I will be a natural.

Life List!

1. Teaching license
2. Job
3. Move
4. Get a cat
5. Publish my book
6. Drums
7. Get back to dance class
8. Become fluent in French and Portuguese
9. Travel the world
10. Get my own talk show/sitcom
11. Meet a hovercraft captain. Make him my husband.

On a side, like sweet potatoes (I'm addicted), wanting to learn how to play the drums, reminds me that this girl from middle school still has my flute.  I let her borrow it and she never gave it back to me. Sometimes I really have the urge to play "Hot Cross Buns" and I can't.  Worst part is, my dad ran into her and the B is a music teacher! She could never be where she is now if she had given me back my flute. She is entering beauty pageants and teaching music.  I feel I am owed a "thank you", or at least my flute back...I'm tellin' ya....

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Chicken Dance, and then some.

I had Election Day off so I went to visit my Gma at her assisted living home.  A singer was coming in to entertain the old folks so we went down to watch the program.

We sat in the back. Gma was nervous because this entertainer has a tendency to come around with the mic and make you sing into it.

Being the only person under 84 in the room, I was the only one able to stand up without falling down. Hence, why "The Chicken Dance" took place seated.  Me and a bunch of old folks clucking in our seats. An exciting way to spend a Tuesday.

I noticed the singer motioning to me to come during a jig and so I did. I started pirouetting and leaping all over the place.  The old folks cheered. The singer hugged me.

I sat back down in my seat, but I was not off the hook. The lady came around with the microphone and put it in my face.  I sang a verse of "Tiny Bubbles". My Gma was thrilled.

The refreshment cart came into view and I got up to help pass out strawberries and mini-pastries.

At the end of the hour, my Gma looked at me and said, "I had no idea you were so smart. You do it all. I'm so proud of you." While I appreciated the compliment, I couldn't help think: you think I'm smart because I leaped around and passed out desserts?? You would have thought I had just gotten my doctorate the way she was talking.  Whatever, I'll take it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Le Chef!

Bird and I were going to meet for brunch at Penelope's a few weeks back. I had been to Penelope's twice April...on the same day....within two hour's span. A doctor (long story) had recommended it to Charlie Chainsaw so we went there for lunch.  After our lunch, I had gone to meet Bird during her work break.  She said she had Googled "good salad places" and Penelope's came up. So, we went there. I told the workers that it was so good, I couldn't stay away. It must have looked like I was interviewing people for the job of being my friend.  Actually, I lied when I said I had been there twice; Bird and I had ended up going there the next day as well. Well, when you know what you like...

Anyhoo, as I was saying, Bird and I were going to go there for brunch again, but the line was cra cra and time was not on our side.  So, we stumbled upon a little French joint on the same block. We entered what felt like a different era, a different world even.  Kitsch and clutter everywhere,  yet somehow very charming and right up our alley.  We waited a few minutes.  Where was everyone? We heard some chatter and banging coming from somewhere.  The place was so cluttered it took us a few minutes to discover a stairway.  I heard a voice telling someone what to do.  Bird and I were kind of afraid to see what was going on, but eventually we made our way up the stairs.  We were met by the French man pictured.  He didn't greet us but rather told us to "wait" and so we did. A few other people were there. The place was something else. Large emphasis on the "else".  We sat down and remained quiet for awhile, afraid that the French man would yell at us if we spoke. This place was totally bizarre, even for our standards.  One Yelp user wroteThis place looked like an ax murderer hacked up an evergreen and decorated the place with the dismembered branches. The place looks as though someone was having a garage sale, but instead of selling they were actually buying more crap to fill in an already cramped home. The outside looked nice enough, but upon opening the doors you feel like you've stepped into the home of a shut-in who has not left their abode since before the Reagan administration. To make matters worse, while they had been open to serve breakfast all of their benches were blocking the aisle as you tried to make your way toward the staircase. Bird and I had no idea where we were, or what we were eating, but we rather liked it.

Once we were no longer afraid to speak, Bird told me about her work trip to Buenos Aires.  She said how the locals were surprised that her and her work crew dressed "so hip".  "Weren't Americans supposed to wear high socks and sneakers??" Bird asked them if they wanted to visit the U.S. "No!" they all said.  "Why not?" "Because Americans carry machine guns! It's not safe." Even the dude from Toronto who had moved to Argentina felt this way. Dude, you are from Toronto. Really??!  Even he was scared of New York City.  One local said he was very familiar with Queens however.  "I very familiar with Queens. We watch 'The Nanny'. Very good show. Love Fran Drescher. Very popular here." 

Okay. Things I got from this brunch:
1. Bird and I will not always agree with the average Yelp user. Though, we do totally get where they're coming from.
2. Argentinians (and Canadian transplants) believe that America is full of machine guns, high socks, and   nasal-voiced nannies that have big hair.
3. I'll definitely be coming back to this place.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Idiot Awards!

I was eating breakfast with my friend the other day and we were discussing how the general public is rather offense, not you of course! You're brilliant! But some people, I mean, really?! Anyway, I confessed to my friend about my ongoing daydream of passing out Idiot Awards. Here's how it went down: I'd be on the train and someone would be talking really loudly and obnoxiously and I'd go into my Mary Poppins bag and whip out one of the many trophies I had purchased at a dollar store.  I would approach Annoying Person with a huge grin on my face and congratulate them for being the most annoying person on the train!! They would accept the award graciously of course, thankful that someone has noticed how annoying they are. I think this is the way to tell people how you feel about them. And I don't think you're a bad person for doing this.  In fact, I think you are making the world a better place.  You're helping people become self-aware! Plus, they can't say they never won anything before. People are always saying that: "I'm so unlucky. I never win anything." Now they have a shiny trophy to put up on their top shelf! It's all about how you tell people how you feel. Let's take into account the first time (perhaps only time?) I called someone a bitch.  I was so proud of myself, let me tell you! I have encountered many a B in my day, but usually I pay no mind.  Whatever, I say! But on this particular occasion, I was just not in the mood. I was rockin' the coat check (a dreadful time, wet coats smell similar to wet dogs) at one of the music venues and there was this girl walking around with such an air, let me tell you.  She thought she was just sooo damn cool. I am way too outgoing and tried to be friendly with her to which I was met with a B stare.  I was not feeling this. Word came in that she was awfully rude to the security guys too.  Don't be rude to my people! Obviously, we have dealt with the drunkest of the drunks and have been able to let that shiz go, but as aforementioned, I was not feeling it tonight, no sirree  So, I passed out coats and chatted with the people, all the while thinking in my head.  After some time, I went outside to where she was shmoozing with the band. "Excuse me," I said, ever so politely.  She turned her head towards me.  Calmly I said, "I just wanted you to know that I think you're a bitch. Have a good night." She just stared at me because really, how can she protest to this?! I wasn't coming at her.  I was politely telling her the truth.  Let me also say, as soon as I move back to the city, the first place I'm going is to the dollar store to get me some trophies. I'm going pass out the awards, one idiot at a time.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Friday, I got home from working with kids all day and who knocks on my door but my nine year-old neighbor and her friend.  I have no idea why they decided to come over and for awhile it seemed as though they would never leave.  I gave them a tour of the house, discussed Halloween, teachers, Christmas, cats, and they continued to not leave.  So, I gave them soda and the game Sorry! to play. I literally started this blog as they were sitting behind me playing the game.  What is going on here?! And why could I not have just kicked them out? And not only did I not kick them out, I provided them with beverages and a game to play?! I'm taking non-confrontational to another level here, folks!

How was the hurricane for all of you people?! My parents didn't lose power, much to their disappointment.  My dad had gotten a new generator and was really excited to use it.  Thankfully for him, some trees did fall over so he was able to whip out the chainsaw and cut them up.  This made him happy. In all seriousness, Sandy had, as my six year-old student would say, "a tantrum" and it's not good. Figure out how you can help . And of course, positive vibes are always important!!

My friend came over Saturday and we broke out the champagne (ok, ok, it was sparkling wine). The cork pop flew across the room Happy New Year style! But, it hit me, there is no need to wait to the new year, it's NEWvember! Shiz is getting done! This is IT!! Get it done!!!! Just do it, Nike style! And when people ask you how you are, don't be like "fine" aka "blah".  Instead, be like, "I'm amazing, duh! Because I'm amazing!" What! Live the dream, love the life!

Election-wise...Well, I walked into the kindergarten class as they were voting and I wasn't thinking. Ya know when you just say things you shouldn't? Like, I always ask kids what they're eating for snack.  Ugh, so I said, "Who are you voting for?" I know, I know. It's a personal thing and everyone has their own right to choose. I agree with this. I just had a brain lapse. It happens! But! The whole class shamed me for asking! Literally shamed me! Thankfully, they told me they forgave me....Anyhoo, the kindergartners have Obama winning 21-5. Smart kids, maybe we should lower the voting age to 5??

Monday, October 29, 2012

Multiple Munchkins!

My good friend Du and I went to a psychic fair at an American Legion Hall yesterday.  We saw a flyer for this a couple of months ago and had been planning on going since.  Neither of us are ride or die psychic believers, but we figured it'd be a good time, a ridiculous day if nothing else.  So, we show up at this American Legion Hall in the middle of nowhere.  It is surprisingly packed, people anxiously sitting around, waiting to hear their futures.  There were eight psychics to choose from and as we were about to sign up, a dude came in and canceled back to back appointments for him and his friend with psychic Dawn.  Du and I felt this to be a sign that we were meant to take their spots. Well, to be honest, we just didn't want to wait that long.  After signing up, we were disappointed to learn that Dawn was the psychic rocking a loose shirt with a giant tarot card on it, as well as a crown.  Great....Maybe Dawn is quirky? We asked a fellow waiter why she choose to go with Dawn.  "The name," she replied very seriously.  Okaaay, so the giant tarot card shirt and crown aren't throwing you off? You like the name?? The lady who chose Dawn based on the name appeared as if she had a heavy burdened heart and need some answers, fast.

Du and I found ourselves getting unexpectedly nervous. What the hell were we nervous for? This isn't even real! It doesn't matter!

I went up first. As soon I sat down, Dawn informed me that she senses a closeness with my grandparents. Ah. Well, I like my grandparents?? Sure, they're cool. I did some shuffling and pulled out some cards and Dawn said some stuff that kind of made sense, but mainly didn't.  I looked skeptical.  I apologized a lot, maybe I'm hard to read for? Why am I apologizing? I asked if I'm supposed to move back to New York. She mentioned some random names like "Evan" and "Kevin" and I was like, well, no. You are wrong. Dawn asked me if I wanted to pull out different cards. I did so, but was nervous again. These cards are so closely placed together and my fingers are fumbling. I'm pulling out multiple cards at once. She said some more stuff, some of it did make sense, but a lot of it didn't add up. Like, I'm getting a new job in a few months and am moving soon, but then again, not. It's all very in 1-3 months, but then again in twenty years. Fantastic. Anyway, I left her table feeling a bit uneasy. Du went up for a similar experience, except, when she sat down, Dawn said she saw snakes, oh but that's not a bad thing....

 I went to order us cheeseburgers. Cheeseburgers at this joint are only $2.50! And they're cooked by a sweet grandmotherly type. I wanted to order fries too but I ran out of money (um, yeah, they were $2). I sat down at a table, watching the football game, because today, at this place, you can get your future, eat a burger, and hang out with old men watching the game. It all makes sense, but then again, not at all. Du finally got done and she bought us the fries and we both sat eating and hating on life a little. We decided the burgers were a good choice, but the fries were unnecessary.

Needing a change of pace, we decided to go out into the dreary weather and find a place to get a coffee.  "Heaven on Earth" was playing on the radio and we both felt pretty good about that.  I took off in the opposite direction of the nearest Dunkin Donuts because I was out of sorts and turned around ten minutes later.

Dunkin Donuts was pretty good. Du and I were admittedly quite out of sorts by our looming futures, and had trouble ordering.  We both wanted munchkins, but could not handle figuring out how many.  The lovely man behind the counter sensed our distressed and informed us that he was not going to actually count the amount of munchkins but rather throw them into a bag, if that made us feel better. It did.

Du: Are they even called munchkins any more? Is that acceptable?
Me: Well, I don't like the term doughnut hole. It seems too dirty to me.
Du: But, is munchkins PC now??

Yes, that conversation happened.

We then decided to write down our futures as we want and see them and to not listen to anyone else, basically ever again, only to ourselves. We also decided that the psychic experience was just a reminder not to second guess ourselves and what we already know and want to happen...or something.

Then, "Always Be My Baby" by Mariah Carey came on the radio and we were like, "It's okay! Things are okay!" We also decided that we need to eat way better for the rest of the week or else we will suffer  a premature death thus all futures being nonexistent to us. Oh, and while the pumpkin munchkins are good, nothing really beats the classic-ness of the chocolate doughnut hole.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lots of boys with tattoos, Grandma!

My cousin Katie and I visited our Gma Ruthy on Sunday.  We rushed over after watching "Seven Psychopaths" (which we both enjoyed because of its twisted humor, though sleeping with some of the images flashing through my head proved troubling), and before the Patriots game. Our Gma is a chatty Cathy who has some old school beliefs and literally drops her jaw to the floor when she is surprised by something aka every two minutes. "Chicken Caesar salad?! What is that???" jaw dropped. Oh ya know, the same thing I've been ordering at a restaurant since I was like eight, just twenty years, no big deal.  So, today Gma decided to bring up Katie's friend from ten years ago, "the one with all of those tattoos".

Gma-"But what is he doing now? He had all of those tattoos! What could he be doing?"
Katie: "He's doing great, has a family, good job. He was really smart ya know, good guy!"
Gma: "But he had tattoos!" JAW IS ON THE FLOOR. How can anyone who has tattoos possibly get a job or have a family she'd like to know. I politely remind her that a few of her grandkids have tattoos and are doing just fine. "I know, I know! But all of those tattoos!"

The clock was ticking marking the near start of the game.

Katie: "Aah, we are having people over so we have to get going soon." This actually is not true but a little white lie that serves everyone's best interest.
Gma: "People over? But, but! Will you feed them??"
Me: "Yeah, we're doing nachos."
Gma: "Nachos??? You guys know how to cook??" Ah, no we only have lived on our own for the last ten years ish. "But, what are you having for dessert?"
Katie: "This is more of a snack thing. Most people will be stuffed after all of the nachos. They're so filling!"
Gma: "But, but, will there be boys there?"
Katie: "Does that really matter?"
Gma: "Yes."
Katie: "But I'm almost thirty. This really can't matter."
Gma: "Of course it matters."
Me: "Well, we are having a lot of boys over, Gma. And they all have tons of tattoos and their ears pierced."
Gma: "Oh. My. God." Jaw is dropped.

We left her jaw dropped on the floor and went to watch the game, just the two of us. We did eat nachos however. They were divine.

Monday, October 8, 2012

I finally got rear ended!

I got rear ended for the first time ever the other day! Yes! I know, getting rear ended probably isn't something that one would get typically stoked about, but I have never had any kind of car incident before and figured it would have to come eventually, may as well get it over with. It is also something that I felt strangely out of the loop about, like how I never got bloody noses in second grade while everyone else was. So, what had happened was, it was a rainy evening, 4pm or so, a Friday. I was in quite the merry mood, having it be the end of the week and all.  That, and because I'm generally a pretty zesty soul.  I'm cruising down Elm Street when I notice a car hugging my derriere. This is a major pet peeve of mine. I mean, the sign reads "objects in mirror are closer than they appear".  That must mean those objects are pretty damn close.  A bus comes to a halt infront of me, dropping a couple of kiddos off. I'm jammin' to my jams, when I peer back into the mirror and see that zippy black car flying at me and BOOM! Thankfully, there was no damage to the car. The problem is that I was in too good of a mood when I was hit.  I should have gotten out of the car and started swearing, or else at least attempt to look pissed. Instead, I was overly friendly, as a twenty-something girl smoking a cigarette jumps out of her vehicle and blames it on the rain.  She was totally tailgating my ass the entire time and though I'm no fool, I was all, "it's all good! how are you doing?! any good weekend plans??". Sometimes it doesn't pay off to be in a good mood! But I've done some stretching and the spine has de-stiffened so no harm, no foul, right??

Two days later, I'm on the highway in CT following my friend to a breakfast joint.  Six deer come onto the highway.  My friend pulls towards them, hoping to scare them back into the woods.  Thankfully, this works. I slowed down behind her. Of course, next to us, crunch! crunch! crunch! Cars are skidding into each other left right.  A few totaled fronts are apparent, but no serious injuries.  I ate a blt for breakfast.  It was delicious.

Do You Know Manny Diaz??

I just had the longest run ever and no, it's not because I'm a complete slowpoke. Slowpoke is considered to be quite the insult to 6 year-olds by the by. I live on this basically deserted street fully equipped with a couple of farms and a professional lumberjack.  I usually can get away with avoiding human contact which is quite pleasant but every once in awhile I ran into a non-animal.  Today it was Alfred, an eighty-something toothless man with a thick Portuguese accent.  I have no probs in stopping for a five minute hey, being completely aware that he'll probably talk to me about crops and bulldozers and people I don't know and ask me my name for the fifteenth time.  This is fine.  Even if the script runs over the allotted five minutes, it's cool.  Today, the convo went on for literally close to an hour. I'm talking SIXTY DAMN MINUTES. He begins by talking to me about Canadian coins.  Canadian coins?! This lasts at least 8 minutes before he gets into the usually topics. And then come a lot of questions like, "Do you know Manny Diaz?" Manny Diaz??? Also, there are probably like a thousand Manny Diaz's around here. Sometimes I am truthful and say no, but then I see the disappointed look on his face, so then lie and pretend I know who the all these Manny's and Lee's and Souza's are.  At one point, he falls into a ditch.  Seriously? Dude is falling into a ditch? How the hell do you stop talking to an 80 something man who is constantly falling? So, I try to walk him back to his house.  Him talking about King James, conservation tactics, Manny, and sheep the entire time.  Me saying "yeah" and "that's cool" and "I'm sorry to hear that".  After this slow-ass walk, he decides to stop and throw his walking stick into the woods.  Despite his lack of movement, the conversation has not yet ended.  He now wants to discuss snakes, people living in the woods and eating wild animals, and then of course, Canadian coins again.  So many times, I attempted the "well, I'm going to run to the end of the street now" and also contemplated just literally running away. Eventually, he thankfully ran out of gas and I was able to run away. And when I say run, I mean RUN. Nice guy, that Alfred.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Valentine's Day Playlist?

This is an actual playlist on my iTunes. For some reason it is entitled "VDAY".  Minus like "Could It Be I'm Falling in Love" and "From My Heart to Yours", not sure what the others have to do with love, though evidently, these are the songs that I associate with the feeling.  I especially like how "Cold As Ice" and "Crazy Train" made this list.

1. You Really Got Me-Van Halen
2. Sunny-Bob Hebb
3. Shapes of Things-The Yardbirds
4. Oceans & Streams-The Black Keys
5. Maneater-Hall and Oates
6. Laugh, Laugh-The Beau Brummels
7. Just A Little-The Beau Brummels
8. It's A Shame-The Spinners
9. Hot Pants, Part 1-James Brown
10. Hey Ya!-Outkast
11. Give Him Something He Can Feel-En Vogue
12. Gimme Some Lovin'-Spencer Davis Group
13. Ghetto Life-Rick James
14. From My Heart to Yours-Laura Izibor
15. Firework-Katy Perry
16. Dog Days Are Over-Florence + The Machine
17. Crazy Train-Ozzy Osbourne
18. Could It Be I'm Falling In Love-The Spinners
19. Cold As Ice-Foreigner
20. California Dreamin'-The Mamas and Papas
21. Behind Blue Eyes-The Who
22. Barracuda-Heart

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I met my friend (let's call her Bobs) in Bridgewater last night, halfway between her house and mine.  I'm amazed that I even met up with her because my GPS "had lost satellite connection" for the entirety of my trip. The whole thing was really a crapshoot.  Randomly, we met at a yoga studio.  The last time I actually recall doing yoga was on June 7, 2011, the day after my birthday.  AKA after some Cab Savs, 2 hours of sleep, and waking up to  "Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac racing through my head.  In other words, I got lost on the way to the studio and was so tired and dehydrated that I almost passed out every time I bent over, stood up, laid down, basically every second of the class.  Unlike June 7, 2011, I was too hydrated for class yesterday.  Focusing on breathing properly is awfully difficult when one has to pee really bad.  Add in a head cold and you're basically screwed.  Every bend over was met with a snot rocket.  On the flip side, I was so focused on holding in my bladder and not snot rocketing that I was able to clear my mind of all the pesky thoughts that was cluttering it.  Isn't that the goal of yoga? To clear one's mind? I'm into stretching, but I think I'd be better at yoga if I had a better understanding of anatomy.  My friend who is a nurse was schooling me on this shit. It gets kind of confusing, the teacher being all like, "Now take your left arm and wrap your right side and then find your left thigh." While everyone else is in the process of coming out of the pose, I'm still trying to figure out the difference between my left and right sides.

Post yoga, we kept with the Zen theme and got some Thai food. Gotta love some noodles, what what. Just a few blocks away, we naturally passed the restaurant, Chatta Box, a few times.  Initially, I was the leading car and abruptly would signal right, and do a quick turn around.  Then my friend was the leader and she did the same thing.  After a few turns, we found the place, literally like 300 feet from the studio.  Incidentally, I am really into the name Chatta Box because who doesn't love chatting and also boxes?! Especially cats in boxes!

As Bobs hit up the bathroom, the edamame arrived.  The table next to us asked me what it was and I got into an explicit description using the term "lightly salted" and insisting they try some.  They politely declined.  The meal was both delicious and inspirational, such merry conversations! Bobs is pretty awesome because well, she's awesome, but also because she writes me positive notes and then signs and dates them.  Things like, "You're awesome. It'll all work out." and "That dude's an idiot. I promise."

I never found the highway home last night, but miraculously I managed to make it back to my house.  No idea how.  Also, no idea how I made it to and from a foreign place with no directions, yet managed to get lost on the way home from work today.  To be fair, I was a bit out of it today.  Example: When kids were fooling around while donning jackets I said, "Get your legs through your sleeves!" Speaking of the kids, I have taught the kindergarten class how to flip their hands upside down around their eyes creating the sunglasses affect. It has really caught on.  One kid even taught his cousin.  Gotta love teaching things that they will cherish enough to pass onto others.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Seinfeld is the only show that I never get tired of.  I seriously can watch the same episode 100 times and still find it to be funny and brilliant.  The problem is that I find myself relating to the characters too much at times which I guess may make me a bit sarcastic, a dash of loopy and a lot of awesome.  

Examples: There is an episode where Kramer decides that he will only wear his clothes when they are fresh out of the oven, yes the oven.  He loves the warm crispness. I'd be lying if I said there there was not a time in college when I semi-experimented with this.  I was in desperate need of clean undies so I washed them in the sink and then decided to put them in the microwave.  They ended up smelling like popcorn, still wet.  I'm pretty sure this inspired me to go buy new ones.

Also, Elaine and I are basically the same person when it comes to guys.  In one episode she is afraid she will frighten off her jazz musician boyfriend when word gets out that she wants to get hot and heavy. "I don't want John thinking that I'm hot and heavy if he's not hot and heavy. I'm trying to get a little squirrel to come over to me here. I don't wanna make any big, sudden movements. I'll frighten him away." The jazz musician is easily frightened away.

In another episode she breaks up with a guy because he doesn't use exclamation points. I have yet to do this, but I dead seriously would do this.  I don't understand people who don't use them.  Be excited! It's not that serious!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cannoli Caper.

Love this story on tourist who demands cannolis with a kitchen knife. SO GOOD.

Boiled Owl.

My Great Aunt Evelyn passed away last week. Death is obvs sad but in her case, there is not a doubt in my mind that she is in a fantastic place.  She definitely deserves it. Even in her last days, eighty-eight years-old and sick, she never complained.  She always found the positive, was incredibly sharp, and insanely spunky. Her memorial service proved to be more joyful than sad too.  The priest joked that he wouldn't be surprised if she was telling God how to run heaven.  It was nice to see family too, always pretty comedic.  For instance, when my sister told my Uncle Tweege (he used to wear a lot of tweed, hence the name) that she has laryngitis, he asked, "can you give it to her?" in reference to his wife.  Good stuff.  Outside the church was an amazing orange cat  who took a major liking to me. Maybe this is some sort of holy sign or something. Maybe he is like Baby Jesus in cat form.  Just jokes...But anyway, I'm going to check on this little guy in a couple of weeks and quite possibly adopt him.

Post ceremony, we went to a Portuguese restaurant called Barcellos. The waitress was this feisty Portuguese woman who insisted we get a bowl of kale soup and not a cup.  She literally would not allow us to get cups. "Soup give you power! Power!" Uncle Tweege told her that she is "tougher than a boiled owl".  That is now my new favorite saying.  Evidently it's been around for forever and a day.  My dad said that when he played football back in the day they had a boiled owl award for the toughest player.  So, now, not just am I aiming to be the leading lady of my life, I'm also aiming to be the Boiled Owl of my life.  It all makes sense.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Head in shelf/More Than Words/Action Bronson.

Last night I got up to go to the bathroom and decided to stretch head/hands over the feet style on the way back to bed.  Naturally, I hit my head quite hard on a shelf in my room.

It's super ideal when the weather is nice enough to let the windows down.  It is also super ideal when "More Than Words" by Extreme comes on the radio.  It is less than ideal when one gets stuck behind a bus when this is happening because it becomes blatantly obvious that you're singing along full volume style.

Tonight I'm going to go see Action Bronson.

Happy Friday, ya'll!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A blog about kids.

More from kindergarten....

I've been hanging out in kindergarten a lot lately which is kind of cool because I really like art class and snack time.

The kids have been referring to me as "Mrs. Kristen". Example: "Mrs. Kristen, did I tell you about the smurf and how the monkey blew up?" In Brooklyn, the middle schoolers either called me "Miss Christian" or "son" as in "Can you help me write a letter to my parole officer, son?" I'd always be like, "Who is this son you speak of? I didn't know you had kids!" "Aaah, ah ha son!" Miss those kids...

Everyday at lunch one girl beckons for me to come over. "Guess what?" she says. "What?" "I only cried once today and I'm going to try not to cry for the rest of the day!" She is half excited as she tells me this and half crying.  She really misses her mom.

If you're around kids and don't know what to talk about here are some pointers:

For young kids as in age 2 or so, comment on smelly diapers and say "silly" a lot.
For elementary aged students, ask them if they like a cat or a dog better.
For middle school kids, ask them if they've heard the latest Lil Wayne song and how they feel about UFC.
For high school kids, sit back and listen because they've probably done a lot more than you have.

The end.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Apples! Songs for Good Times! Fish Hook in Shoe!

I just went for a run and had to stop to pull a fishing hook and wire out of my running shoe...Ah, what?!

Went apple picking on Sunday with my bro, sis-in-law and niece.  Good times! A lot of apples and also donuts were consumed that day.  I was walking to board the train back to my hood when an older man  was all of a sudden in step with me.  "Making a pie? Making a pie? Why not! Why not! Looks like you're making a pie! Why not!" I agreed, "Why not!" and made my way onto the train.  He sits across from me. "My name's Rich." "What's your name?" "Making a pie?" "Why not!" "Where do you live?" "What do you do for a living?" "I was watching the Patriots." "I'm traveling to Nashville in a couple of weeks, going to take in the bars." "Gonna make a pie?" "You like baking?"

I received two awesome texts in the last two days.

1. From dear friend Michaela: "Just heard 'Overnight Celebrity'. So. Good."

2. From dear friend Du: "Ahh gangsta paradise is on my pandora right now. I love life!"

Here you go people, you want to live the dream and love life? "Gangster's Paradise" and "Overnight Celebrity". The proof is in the texts.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

All day, every day. All day, every day.

1. The headline in the local news is "49 stolen cows coming home".  How the hell does one steal 49 cows? And they made it all the way to Pennsylvania from Massachusetts. WHAT?! "Police say cattle-rustling was not a random act." Poor cows. The cows were valued at $4200, but can you really put a price on on our bullish friends?! I think not.

2. It was my childhood friend Du's bday last week. Her sister's birthday, as well as a family friend's, are all in the same week. To celebrate, there was a shindig at her family's house. Du's sister made a mix of the number one songs from that week starting with the year she was born.  This was amazing.  Du and I were legit dancing machines, the moon was quite full and blue, and life is/was good.  We decided life should be like this on the regs.  All day, every day, all day every day.  To begin, I'm going to start my day off by playing "Gangsta's Paradise" and see where that leaves me.  I'm fairly certain it will leave me feeling amaaaaaazing every day. All day, every day.

Also, at the boa festa, I had the urge to climb under a small table.  Sometimes I get these odd urges to climb under, over, through areas, a kind of extreme walking of sorts to spice up life. Du encouraged me to go with it.  Hence, this:

3. I went to see Beirut (band,not capital of Lebanon) the other night, lovely.  A fellow patron of the arts was trying to take a picture of the band but ended up accidentally taking this pic of me, with a star on my ass. I feel a light forming a star on one's ass must be a wonderful sign of sorts.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Eye Exam!

I just had the best time at the eye doctors yesterday.  It was my first time at this particular joint, and the staff was quite lovely.  The girl who conducted the majority of my exam, lamented with me on the everyday day blah blah blah's of life.  I told her I would most certainly think fondly of her when I am feeling very wtf.  The optometrist himself was pretty much the shit. He told me that he could sense my energy and that he sees big things for my future.  I left the place feeling like a million bucks! Minus the fact that my eyes were totally dilated so driving and the necessary trip to the grocery store were a trip INDEED. Driving wasn't totally awful because it was more things up close that I could not see. Text messages, emails, and books could not be deciphered for over two hours post exam.  The grocery store was rough because it really was a crap shoot as to what I was buying, and I definitely failed the pin action on the debit machine swiper guy.

Anyhoo, I'm almost sad that I don't need to go back to the eye docs for another year or so.  I liked those peeps believing in my dreams while simultaneously writing me a new prescription (which has gotten worse...ya win some, ya lose some). This was pretty much the highlight of my week besides seeing "Step Up Revolution" (for the second time).  Don't judge!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday Reflections.

This is what's happening in my head today....

1. The ladies in Zumba are starting to learn more of the words to Usher's "Scream". They now sing along "now relax and get on your back".  Quite amusing.

2. I feel like my shimmying is not what it used to be.  The shimmy used to be my strong suit.  In fourth grade my dance teacher was stumped on what to do for the first eight in "Love Shack".  I suggested shimmying. She obliged. So much shimmying. Twenty years later, I've lost some of my shake. Putting practicing the shimmy on my to-do list.

3. The lady whose cats I watch was telling me that the woman who cleans her house has been seeing a ghost in her own house, a thirty something male wearing a denim shirt.  I wonder if this guy is single.  I have nothing against hanging out in old houses. I can get into denim.

4. I've been more Zen-like lately which sounds great, but at the same time, when you're all Zen, it can be hard to motivate because you're too busy being in the clouds feeling like it'll all just work out, it's all good, whatever. Om ba da boom!

5. I read the following inspirational blurb today (from Women's World, aah ha)  "Doors will open for you. Opportunities abound for the creative and capable-exactly the kind of person you are. Just open your eyes and your heart to possibilities, turn the knob and walk through!" My question is, where the hell is that door?! Ba da bing!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I'm looking for a job.

I'm looking for a job.  Here's what I'm good at:

1. The jumble in the paper.  I can unscramble all of the words including the riddle in one minute, seriously.  I am not sure how this would help me in the "real world" unless maybe a memo was jumbled and I could be the decipherer. Thoughts?

2. Sighting cats. I have the uncanny ability to spot cats.  Driving around, I'll be the one to say "Oh look at that cat under the truck in the driveway." No one else has any idea what I'm talking about.  Going for a walk, "Look at that brown cat sitting on the rocks!" Everyone else is squinting their eyes.

3. Playing ocean with two year-olds.  My niece will visit and I am able to entertain her for HOURS by pretending that a blue blanket is the ocean and the pillows are the hills.  The stuffed animals go swimming then retreat to the hills when they need a break.  Even the sheep is doing the doggy paddle and even the penguin can fly during our game. I have also taught her how to say doggy paddle, belly up, and backstroke.

4. Putting together the perfect lemon-water ratio for your hydrating pleasure.  I've been throwing lemon juice in water for around 20 years now and have it down to a science.

5. Showering in ten minutes. I don't miss a spot, hair washed and all, in ten minutes or less.  I guess this shows that I'm a good multi-tasker?

6. Rolling my eyes. At this point it happens so frequently that I don't even know that it's happening. This probably is not a good thing.

7. Random accents, especially when talking to myself.  It can admittedly get out of control, but I think this could come in handy for international affairs.

So yeah, if you know anyone who's hiring....

Friday, August 10, 2012

Cat Crash Diet!

So, the vet said that Rags is overweight.  He weighs 15.6 pounds and should only be 9-12. He basically needs to lose a small kitten.  My dad has cut back his food from an endless supply of dry food to one can of wet food per day. Rags is currently staring at his empty plate and I feel terrible about it.  Our vet is great.  He saved my cat Mittens' life after she came home missing half of her leg (ah, what?!), but shouldn't we be in the day and age where we respect all body types?! Even the little heftier ones?? Rags should not be punished for his full figure! I feel especially bad because I just spent the last two hours baking a homemade apple coffee cake and heating up a pizza and now will eat both in front of him. I'm also concerned because Rags has always stared at his reflection in the fire place.  I thought he was marveling at his handsomeness. But maybe he is thinking, whoa I could lose a few. Hopefully not.

Broken Egg!

A few weeks ago I was making an egg scrambler and an egg rolled off the counter and broke on the floor.  That night, I dreamed that I was hanging out with my friend and her family in a little hut and was breaking eggs. The dream then cut to me running but my running shoes were loose around the ankles.  I later looked up what this could mean and broken eggs in a dream represent being in a fragile place in one's life.  This is sort of true for I had been having one of those years. But then again, I DID literally break an egg that day AND my running shoes are REALLY loose around the ankles.  My subconscious and actual life are mirroring each other.  Tonight I felt the urge to make an apple coffee cake (no actual coffee is involved) and once again, an egg rolled off the counter and broke.  Now my dream is not only representing life on a a literal and also metaphorical level, it is also predicting kitchen accidents to come.  So much meaning! It's like how I always end up sitting backwards on the train! Life representing life! OR NOT.

Anyhoo, yeah, raging on this Friday night.  Tom Collins,baking, solo dance party. The usual.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Life in Pictures.

Scrabble and Hip Hop.

Summer of scrabble with the moms and as we play, we jam out to the latest in poor hip hop music.  Every once in a while, my mom, the Blond Bombshell, will burst out laughing, saying that the song is even better when you start listening to the lyrics.  Example, the Gym Class Heroes' song "Ass Back Home" when the girl sweetly sings I don't know where you're going, just get your ass back home. "She just sounds so sweet singing it!" Blond Bombshell laughs.  She also is a big fan of Kanye rhyming "come and meet me in the bathroom stall" stating that the bathroom stall is the last place she would want to go for such meetings.  And most recently, she is absolutely loving the New Boyz' song "Better With the Lights Off" where the song goes Girl I hope you don't take this the wrong way but girl you look better with the lights off, better with the lights off, ooooh.... Hey, from a girl's perspective, you gotta love the forwardness in this statement.  No bullshitting from these boyzzzzzz.....

Friday, August 3, 2012

Elderly People.

King's Row!
I went from catching live (not dead) music nearly every night to seeing the local "talent" at my Gma's assisted living place.  Welcome to my life. The annual bbq outdoor fiesta thing was this past week. The band, King's Row, was actually not totally terrible.  Since it was outdoors, they didn't have to worry about turning down their amps too much. Hearing aids and amps do not mix! My Gma somehow scored us seats in King's Row "reserved" section, front row! Oh man.  The group has been performing together for thirty-one years and had some nice harmonies, but some of their song choices killed me a bit.  I'm all about oldies but "Unchained Melody" and "Runaround Sue"?? Really?? "And now we are going to play some of the most romantic songs ever." NO THANK YOU!! Please, please, no thank you! I will give the bassist/vocalist props however for hitting some of those high notes.

For a brief moment moment I thought maybe there'd be a potential not terrible fellow there, maybe a grandson or something.  Clearly not.  Scanning the audience of snow-capped heads, it was painfully obvious that the median age was 80.

Gma and I

Speaking of hanging with an older crowd, I've been taking Zumba with my mom and am definitely the youngest person in class. Unlike the elderly home, the median age is closer to 55.  Lots of mambo-ing to songs about being sexy and the roof being on fire.  The ladies absolutely LOVE dancing to Usher's song "Scream".  When the instructor asks if anyone has any requests, fifteen or so ladies chime in enthusiastically requesting the jam.  I'm not sure if they would like it so much if they could actually heard the lyrics.  I know that they can't hear them because a few have mentioned that they have no idea why the song is called "Scream".  "Does he even say scream in the song? I've never heard the word scream. I would have thought the song would be ooh baby baby."  One lady told me that she never thought much of Usher's music, but that has not stopped  her from thinking he is very handsome.  Obviously, I had to agree with her on his looks.  FYI: there is a whole lotta hip rolling in this dance.  It is QUITE the scene...

The engine is dead.

I was on a commuter rail train from Boston to the sticks the other day when the train came to an abrupt stop. I was pretty absorbed in my smutty magazine/Ipod so didn't think much of it until ten minutes or so had passed.  Another ten go by before the train man comes on and says the engine is dead, hold on folks! I immediately thought about how I had to pee because really, when do I not have to pee.  Ten minutes later and people are getting awfully antsy, putting in phone calls to get picked up, all that jazz.  Train man comes on to say that the engine is very dead and he'll be in touch with more info.  Every fifteen minutes or so he'd come on and basically say the same thing.  After an hour we switch trains.  I sit down next to some college kid who works for the duck tours and is chatting to me about Adam Sandler being a dick, customer service hoopla, and how he refuses to work on the weekends. I told him that I had to go to the bathroom, not sure why, and also how I always end up sitting backwards on trains. I never can get a seat going forward.  It's very life representing life, like a metaphor or something.  He gets off and a girl sits next to me who I also felt the need to tell that I had to pee. Once again, not sure why. Evidently to me this is the equivalent to talking about the weather. But seriously, does no one else have to pee on this train?? I find this very difficult to believe.  Anyway.  The girl is happy she is alive because one time she was on a plane that caught on fire and she was fairly certain the train was going to explode.  I told her maybe our bad luck canceled each other out.  I also told her that at least she has a story to tell now, she could write a book.  She was into the idea, said she'd get on it when she got home.  In five minutes, we pepped each other up and about our lives.  Lots of: It was good to meet you. Yeah, life is totally good, it's fine. We're good. Things are going to work out! Nice talk! Good talk! It'll all work out.  No problem! Yup, have a good night! I hope you get to find a bathroom! Thanks! I'd like to go to the bathroom at some point! 

End scene.


I sat down to write an amazing blog entry but my mind is rather blank with the exception of thinking about how my current Hall and Oates Pandora station is basically the best station ever.  Unnecessarily long sentence. Anyway. Wham! just came on and that's pretty exciting. Wham! reminds me of my television production class in high school.  We were in charge of bringing in our own music for projects but it was all good if we forgot because my teacher had an endless supply of Wham! albums we could choose from.  Good stuff.

·         Shuffle
·         Hall & Oates Radio
add variety
·         Frank Ocean Radio
·         Pumped Up Kicks Radio
·         Xxplosive Radio
·         2000s Hip Hop Radio
·         Beyoncé Radio
·         Calvin Harris Radio
·         Glenn Miller Radio
·         Phoenix Radio
·         Rihanna Radio
·         It Was A Good Day Radio
·         Cold War Kids Radio
·         The Morning Benders Radio
·         Kanye West Radio
·         Good Life Radio
·         Deerhunter Radio
·         Heartless Bastards Radio
·         Portugal. The Man Radio
·         Florence + The Machine Radio
·         Dig Radio
·         Michael Jackson Radio
·         Andy Williams (Holiday) Radio
·         Ella Fitzgerald Radio
·         Classic Hip Hop
·         The Rat Pack Radio
·         Bob Marley Radio
·         Donny Hathaway (Holiday) Radio
·         Wynton Marsalis (Holiday) Radio
·         This Christmas Radio
·         The Verve Radio
·         Coldplay Radio
·         Maps Radio
·         Common Radio
·         Pop / Rock
·         Classic Pop
·         Best Of The 80s Reloaded Radio
·         mom
·         Keri Hilson Radio
·         Naughty By Nature Radio
·         Under My Thumb Radio
·         Through The Wire Radio
·         Big Band / Swing
·         Britney Spears Radio
·         Classic Hip Hop
·         N.E.R.D. Radio
·         Yeah Yeah Yeahs Radio
·         Jay-Z Radio
·         Interpol Radio
·         Editors Radio
·         Come On Eileen Radio
·         Alternative Pop/Rock
·         Classic Rock
·         I Got A Man Radio
·         The-Dream (R&B) Radio
·         Heat Of The Moment Radio
·         Frank Sinatra Radio
·         Frank Sinatra (Holiday) Radio
·         Metallica Radio
·         Guns N' Roses Radio
·         Spoon Radio
·         Weezer Radio
·         The Chipmunks (Holiday) Radio