Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ballet! Beyonce! Coney! Work! Flutes!

Friday I went to see the dress rehearsal for the ballet "Giselle" at Lincoln Center with Rita. I of course was waiting for her in the wrong area hence why Lawrence was able to approach me. "Hi, I'm Lawrence." "Hey Lawrence." "You look beautiful today. Did you just go for a run?" "Um, no." I was wearing a skirt. He then proceeded to ask me my life story. Meanwhile, Rita is calling me to figure out where I am. I politely tell Lawrence it's been a pleasure but I gotsta go. Aah. REALLY. Anyway, the ballet is a haven for the elderly. There was this one chair that they would take breaks sitting on while entering the main room.

I really would have no idea what the ballet was about if we did not look it up. Evidently, this fancy guy disguises himself as a peasant so he can get hit it with all the peasant chicks before he gets hitched. Giselle falls in love with him but goes mad when his true identity is presented to her. She dies of a broken heart but comes back as a ghost and dances other guys to death. That's kind of badass. I'm sure I'll be dancing a lot of people to death while alive and also as a ghost. 

Saturday morning I had a sad dream that Beyonce was having an affair in my apartment with a snobby older guy with white hair. I was trying to be a good, supportive friend to Beyonce but was pretty heartbroken because cheating is bad and I'm a real big fan of HOVA. I woke up and went to Coney Island.

Coney Island is my sanctuary. Charlie and I hung out at Beer Isand for a bit. Naturally, we drank Mike's Hard Lemonades.  All of the waitresses that work there are extremely nice with enormous jugs and very trashy clothes. There was this group of guys who were out of control. They introduced themselves to us and when Charlie said her name all of them went "Oh yeah? My friend Charlie's locked up." Of course he is. The boys talked to us for a minute but really tried to mack it with the girls at the next table. Not going to lie, both Charlie and I were a little insulted. Thankfully, Angelo came back over and invited us to go to the Cha Cha Bar with them which made us feel a little less rejected.

After Beer Island, we hit up the flea market/petting zoo. Ummm...really?!

Then, we rode the Thunder Bolt and Wonder Wheel MANY times! Best place in the world!!

Going right from Coney to work is quite exhausting. For one, I was extremely dirty to say the least. My brain also had stopped working. At one point, a guy asked me what 22-6 was and I said "Honestly, right now I have no idea." I explained what I had been doing all day and he understood-Coney will blow your brain out.

Work was a bit nutter butters. There were these two wild 46 year-old women from Jersey Shore. Whoa Nelly! One of them had make the trek because she had a crush on a guy who wore a bucket hat and he was going to be there. He sadly ignored her so she threw herself LITERALLY at EVERY OTHER GUY. Good thing she does not like her boyfriend of 8 years much...Ah! She got all up and when I say all up I mean ALL UP in my 53 year-old co-worker's grill, saying he looks like Kris Kristofferson. She then for some reason (probably because she was bent and also completely out of her mind) thought that HE was my boyfriend and felt awful so she kissed me and apologized a lot for hitting on my man. It's okay, get off me! WHAT THE FUCK.

Cab ride home was kind of strange per usual. There was a bunch of trash leftover from White Castle where I was sitting so I put it in a bag I had and gave it to my driver. He appreciated it and then began talking. OF course. We talked music. He then puts on his Pakistani music and asks me if I like it. Next thing you know, dude whipped out two different flutes and is playing them for me. He gave me the whole history of the Pakistani flutes and how he likes to play alone and chooses to have no friends. People get concerned when cabbies talk on the phone while driving, no one even talks about operating a vehicle while serenading passangers. Ah, WHAT.

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