Friday, December 16, 2011

Weazel Ball

My dad went away all week on business and was kind enough to return with tidings of great joy for my mom and I. From Cracker Barrel, he bought for me a Weazel Bal,l and for my mom, a Happy Hamster. He was SO excited to get them running for us, shuffling around the house to find batteries and a box, because they look better in boxes. He said his colleague loved them so much he also bought them. Um, what?! At least I know why I have bought people yodeling pickles and donkeys that dispense cigarettes from their ass as gifts in the past. Quirky gift giving must run in the family.

Oh no! Just when I thought I was over my ridiculous gift giving phase, I was so inspired by my dad that I bought this today: ----------->
I said it was a "gift for the family". This turtle sings "Puttin' on the Ritz" (classic jam) and is dapper and charismatic. What REALLY made me want to get him, is the fact that he TAPS HIS FOOT. Something about that foot tappin', I just couldn't walk away.

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