Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve and the New Year.

New Year's Eve is to me one of the most overrated holidays. When I was younger it was cool. My family and I would eat Chinese food (pretty much the only time all year) and then either go to a movie or rent one. I definitely remember watching Apollo 13 on a December 31st back in the day. In college, there were a few not terrible parties that I attended as well as going to TC's Lounge, my favorite bar, a dive in Boston. There were no people there at 7pm on NYE, just the way I like it. In general, I feel like New Year's has some kind of ridiculous pressure associated with it, and is often accompanied by terrible, drunken idiots and the spending of way too much money. I worked three out of my four New Year's in New York.

My first New Year's in New York coincided with me going back and forth if I should even live there. My job was a joke and my sublet was over, the next day. I'd be homeless on the first day of the new year. My few months in the city thus far had proven to have quite a few stressful and wtf moments. I was literally going to throw the bag in until I worked a GNR cover band show and had a most amazing time. Something about hearing "Patience" on the dawn of a new year really jazzed up my spirits and I felt alive again, decided to give the Rotten Apple another chance. The next day, after no sleep, I packed all of my stuff and moved myself to Queens where I would crash at my friend's apartment for a little while until I was able to find my own. Fun, not so much, but I am glad I had stayed.

The next year, I worked at the same venue, did the same thing, rockin' the coat check, but did not have nearly as much fun. The band Crystle Castles was playing two shows that night and their crowds were out of control. Everyone was TERRIBLE. People were rushing the coat check and actin' a fool. I had to get behind the curtain and body check people while simultaneously yelling "back the fuck off me!" Ah, at least I started the year off on an assertive level. The crowd was so cray cray that a lady punched my manager in the face breaking his glasses. I vowed to not work the next New Year's.

I was happy that my best friend was in town as the ball dropped down in 2010. We ended up going to a super lame party however, with her then boyfriend. Bird and I rolled our eyes a lot but at least made the most of the lameness and did find the time to get low. Not super exciting, but no body checking.

Last year I worked again, this time reppin' the beer cart aka dumb cart. Butthole Surfers played and while the crowd was not as cool as Mr. Brownstone's, they were ten million times better than Crystal Castles'. One guy came up to me and said that he was glad that his wife had a C Section and was in the hospital with his newborn son still. He said that if his son had been born naturally, they would have been out of the hospital and he wouldn't have gotten to go to the show. Ah, good for you! What?! Anyway, I got through the night unscathed and refused to go out afterwards. I wanted it over with. The year that followed ended up being the worst year ever. I am glad that is going to be over in just a few hours.

I am feeling thankful this New Year's. Stoked that 2011 is coming to a close, and thankful that I survived. I distinctly remember working New Years night (not eve) last year and my co-workers and I felt blah already. Not a good omen. This year coming, I KNOW will be way better than this year present. It can only go up from here folks! And it's starting off pretty well too. I am having a very lowkey night. My cousin is coming over and we are going to have a Trapped in the Closet marathon and just straight up kick it. If that doesn't lead to a great 2012, I don't know what will.

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