Friday, July 22, 2011

Weird Dreams

I have a lot of weird dreams.

There was a period from February until June where I had a weird dream EVERY night! My subconscious was truly working overtime to say the least.

A couple of weeks ago I had a very intense dream where I was making out with a dude and my parents kept walking in. Since I didn't want them watching me, dude and I rolled from a bench/couch thing to the floor to roll around. They could still see us though. My Mom even thought it would be cool to ask if we were waxing the floor. Aah. Meanwhile, this girl I have not seen in MONTHS whom I met in dance class is telling me how she is a writer, blah, blah, how cool is that?! And Evan from Music Hall is texting me nonstop to sell merchandise. It was a very intense dream. Lots of concrete and carpet were also involved. Some details have been left out for the audience's greater good. 

The other night, I had a dream where SO many fluffy, soft animals were sitting on my face. It was very strange. But I think I had this dream because my soft as a cloud blanket had been pulled up to my chin and my pillow pet sheep, Axl, had been laying nearby. The dream took place in many different places including a weird carnival with my friend's parents. I told all of the animals that I'd take them in once my landlords let me.

Ah, then I had a small dream about cats. I was talking to the cats about how once again, I'd take them in once my landlords allowed. Then somehow the cats were small and wrapped up in gift wrap and I was carrying them around in a bag. Thankfully this situation did not harm the animals.

Jesus. Even in my dreams I'm a crazy cat lady.

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