Friday, July 22, 2011


I'm in a pretty shitty mood today and I don't think it's the heat. I want to punch throats BIG TIME. Instead, I just ate a granola bar with sunflower seeds in it and now my throat is completely itchy. I didn't realize the g-bar had the seeds when I bought them but this is the third one I've had and my throat has been itchy afterwards every time. I know that I shouldn't eat the bars, but they taste like peanut brittle and sometimes I want to eat a snack. So what's a girl to do?

I got my nails done today in an attempt to relax and also become a lady. The nail salon experience is always semi-relaxing except if I let myself think about how unsanitary everything probably is. As a former germ phob, I sort of tell myself that I have to do it, to power through! That it shows that I've come a long way since the times when I'd catch a near heart attack if asked "can I have a bite of that?" Today however, I was chillen out there when all of a sudden the smell of noodles hits my nostrils. One of the worker ladies is shoving food down her throat at the drying station. Then she tears a piece of a newspaper and spits noodles into it. Next thing you know, everyone is eating. Water is being boiled, dumplings and noodles everywhere! And then I took notice of the flies buzzing around. Oh brother. Nice, relaxing, clean thing to do before work. Ah, yeah....

Speaking of aah, yeah, my cab ride home last night, definitely ah, yeah-ish. As soon as I get in the car, the driver is opening right up about his life and family and asking me about mine. EVERY SINGLE TIME. The cab driver is so caught up in our heart-to-heart that he completely misses my exit and we end up lost in Queens...for a while....and are asking random guys in alleys how to get to McGuinness Boulevard. Um, really?! Of course my cab fare has skyrocketed from its normal price due to our lengthy detour. The driver tells me to deduct whatever I deem fair because "the conversation was worth more than the money." OH BROTHER. This makes me feel bad and I end up forking over more money. Whatever. 

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