Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Typical Day.

Today I worked with some little kids, two of whom (jokingly) attacked me, saying they were going to eat my entire head for dinner. Delicious! Another kid actually did bite me, twice. Good times!

After all that fun, I went to the doc's for a urine test, standard stuff.  I'm basically a peein' machine yet I didn't find this to be the easiest task.  Better than the blood test a couple of weeks ago where I tried to distract myself by discussing frogs with the nurse before passing out and waking up to smelling salts, juice, and an ice pack.  As I was coming to, a dude waltzes in, gets his blood drawn, and is out while I'm still sitting there.

Today in waiting room number 1 some guy started talking to me.  He now knows my entire life story. We also discussed: cults, karma, roofs and ice, roofs and heat.

In waiting room number 2, another dude asked me if I was Portuguese.  We then discussed the weather, Fall River, chourice, Cape Verde, and being messes of life.

Off topic, but I've discovered a new way to de-stress: weeding. My sister bought a house so my mom and I were helping her tame her wild-ass yard. They opted for tools, while I used my bare hands to rip everything in sight up.  I was seriously covered in dirt Pig Pen style but felt quite relaxed.

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