Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sail Along on the Block Island Ferry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me making out with a bloody dead fish!
Block Island is pretty much amazing and I was happy as a clam to go there last Saturday.  To get to BI, you need to take a ferry and of course, to get to the ferry, you must drive (or miraculously live RIGHT there).  Well, I drove the hour and a half trek and did NOT, repeat NOT, get lost once! Admittedly, my knuckles were clenched tight as I gripped the wheel in the recommended 10 to 2 ratio (though, I recently read 9 to 2 is more acceptable these days).  I did however talk to myself along the way.  In the beginning it was "I hate driving! I hate driving!" followed by random life thoughts, but after 48 minutes I was saying "this isn't too bad!"

As I waited in line to buy my ferry ticket, a woman nearly cut me in line til her husband pointed towards me standing there, a foot under them.  The husband told me I should "jack up" his wife but I said "I'd let it slide this time." A guy standing behind all of us said he would have cut me too and then proceeded to run ahead to a different line. He obviously has no social skills and/or is a jackass.  Anyhoo, Cassie and her mom, Mrs. C., arrived for the adventure shortly after I had gotten my ticket and we boarded together.  Cassie and I both stupidly rocked flowy dresses aka oh here's the wind and now here is my ass. Walking around the boat was quite the challenge for the both of us. As the boat took off, we went to get drinks, me a dark and stormy and for them, bloody mary's, flashing everyone along the way.  Cassie's mom and I decided that we officially "do not care!" about a lot of things and are turning over new leaves. Inspirational times.

Cash and Mrs. C.
The first thing we did when we got there was to hit up the shops.  As Cash tried on shorts in one boutique, Mrs. C. and were getting low to the store's music and talking to the mannequin.  One of the shop ladies ran over to hug us, saying she was getting goosebumps from our energy and to keep up the good work.  More from her later.

Eating was next on our agenda and was a constant theme throughout the day, but the main attraction of BI are the amaaaaazing mudslides at Champlin's marina.  Watching boats come in, pretty much private roof deck, and internet jukebox-this is the stuff dreams are made of people!! Bird and I hit up the jukebox and played the following songs: 1. The Summer Wind-Sinatra 2. Say It Ain't So-Weezer 3. Patience-GNR 4. I Can't Go For That-Hall and Oates 5. P.Y.T.-Michael Jackson 6. Strokin'-Clarence Clemons. The bartenders were so into this that we got the one-two gun motions as we made our departure. It was pretty much a standing O (that and they were already standing).

Bret and Mr. C.'s friendship in a picture
From there, we ventured to hang with Mrs. C's friends who were renting out a house on the island. Even though it was totally G and a baby was present, I felt like I was on spring break as I sipped my second beer.  Sun, storytelling, and a summer breeze will create that kind of allusion.  As will Brit, one of the friends, and Mr. C. texting back and forth about how Mr. C. should have come to the island as well. Except instead of words, there were pictures representing their friendship. Good times indeed.

The lady we gave goosebumps was on our ferry ride back and picked our brains as to how in the hell she and her friends saw a crescent moon sink into the sky. Has this ever happened before? Does this mean something? Is this some sort of mystical sign?

We were beyond sad to reach the shore, marking the end of our magical day.  I was however, super jazzed to make the trek home in one piece without getting lost again! I even passed two cars!!!

Former germ phob!

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