Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dangling Arms and Limbo.

The summertime has me thinking about arms out the window and I gotta say, I don't understand it. I see arms dangling from cars all of the time and I decided I'd try but it just isn't comfortable. Maybe it's because my arms are short. I also fear that I will lose a limb. Does no one else ever feel that way??

Speaking of short limbs, Katie and I were out the other day and saw a police blockade which made my mind automatically think of hurdles/limbo, neither of which I am good at.  I tried hurdles once in high school track but forgot to jump.  That'll hurt the shins let me tell you!  Katie and I got to talkin' about the limbo and neither of us are good at it, nor do we like it, despite being non-tall. I don't know if it's the pressure, like people would assume we would be good at it or what, but we both get a little anxious if the game is going on and also cheat.  Heads-up, seven-up used to make me a bit anxious too.  Like, what if I think someone tapped me but no one did? Or what if I think Michael tapped me but I have a crush on Michael so I can't actually say I think it was him because then obviously he would know....


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