Thursday, November 10, 2011

Temporary Relationships.

I'm doing some temporary work to save some money and get back on my feet. Initially, the idea did not thrill me. I want my dream job now! But as I got to thinking about it, temporary work has some perks. It's only for an allotted time. When that time is over, there is the chance I will be asked to join the company on a more permanent status. I may decide to take the company up on their offer or I may decide to part ways. Maybe they won't offer me anything. I can't be too down on myself however because the terms were set from the beginning: temporary, no guarantee. Basically, this venture could lead to something. But if it doesn't, no harm, no foul.

Then it dawned on me: there should be temporary dating. Granted, dating is always temporary. Ya just never know when shit will hit the fan. Often though, I think people avoid getting into anything at all. Sometimes it's too much pressure. Or the scary notion that you'll like the other person more than they will like you. Or the opposite could be true. And of course, what if "the one" comes along while I'm dating this person? And will I really have time for myself anymore?

That's why we need temporary dating. Set terms for the beginning. For the person that has potential, maybe allot a three month maximum. For the person you'd be okay never seeing again but you realize you never go out and need to, one week. Whatever! You can even set hours like in jobs that way you don't have to worry about losing yourself or any of that other crap. Oh and if "the one" comes along while you're in the middle of your temporary relationship, it's all good. If you're dream job comes along while you're doing temp work,  you'd approach your temp supervisor in a professional manner, let him/her know you loved working there but something has come up, and then you follow your dream job. All good. Oh and let's say you want to date multiple people at once, as long as it's outlined, all good. Sort of like how you can do freelance work on the side of your temp job. Here's the beauty of it, when the time is up, there are a few possible outcomes and (hopefully) no crazy people to deal with. There could be the "see you never" option, a possibility for an extension (which can be negotiated) and in rare cases, a commitment. Sometimes in dating, you think it's going great and the other person all of a sudden has gone missing. To avoid all of that heartache, much like in the workforce, temporary dating can have the option of an evaluation at the end. Too needy, called too much, not hot, no chemistry, crazy, etc. I think this would work out great. At least then you'd know what went wrong instead of wondering. Hopefully this won't happen, but if the person you're temporarily dating gets clingy/crazy towards the end, you can always say, "You knew the terms of our dating." Wonderful. Half the time no one knows the terms of dating but in this case, it's written out infront of you and no one can say they didn't see it coming. And hey, even if it doesn't work out, both parties will have something to add to their dating resume and will know what to work on. In temp work, at least you're still making money and doing something with your time. In temp dating, maybe you will eat somewhere new, gain a date to a wedding you'd otherwise dread, or get laid. I think all in all, temporary dating would be a brilliant idea. Perhaps if I make enough money doing temporary work, I'll open up a temporary dating business.

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