Saturday, November 5, 2011

Great Aunt Evelyn is the SHIT.

My Great Aunt Evelyn is the SHIT. She is nearly 88 years old and is the most with it, positive, spit fire I've met. A real badass. She was really sick last year and in and out of hospitals like whoa but never lost her determination or gumption. She knew she was going to get better and kick it in her apartment again. The power of positive thinking is quite grand. She has one of those life lines now in case of emergencies. So if she falls down or catches a thing, she can pull on it and help will come. She wears it all of the time and didn't really even know how it worked...until one day when she was using the bathroom. Somehow the way she was sitting made the life line clash with the toilet. All of a sudden she heard a large, booming voice say "EVELYN OLIVAL ARE YOU OKAY?!" Aunt Evelyn was completely freaked out by this. Where was this voice coming from? She ran to her phone, no one was there. The voice kept booming. It dawned on her that her building must be on fire. She ran into the hall. Not a soul was there. Her walls kept yelling, "EVELYN OLIVAL, ARE YOU OKAY?!" "Hello, God???" After awhile, she realized it was her life line and she set the story straight, "I'm fine!!!!"

She also told a great story about her intense urge to make Portuguese soup. Her craving and determination were running high and she needed that hearty kale broth. This story involved climbing ladders at 3am and sewing cheesecloth together but it came out great!

Anyway, Great Aunt Evelyn is the shit. She does what she wants when she wants to if she wants to. She is totally with it and has great energy. None of that old lady (or young emo) poor me shit.

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