Saturday, November 19, 2011

Breaking Dawn.

I went to go see Breaking Dawn with my cousin/pal Katie. We laughed, shed a tear, laughed some more and grimaced. Lots of grimacing. Breaking Dawn basically is a porno that has more blood in it than Shark 3D. The movie starts out in a lovely fashion, sweet wedding nuptials between Ed and Bella. We both had a chuckle when vampire Emmett toasted the pair by saying that he hopes that Bella got a lot of sleep in the first eighteen years of her life because she has a lot of sleepless nights ahead. Hey now! Ah. Anyway, so it started off good and the honeymoon spot was quite nice. Things got steamy and whoa there and then bam! Blood!! Ladies, if you were afraid to have kids, this movie won't help! Grimace! Blood! Porno! Katie and I had to get ice cream after to recoup.

Shark 3D is also a must see. Katie and I went to see this gem a few weeks back in the ghetto East Providence movie theater. Movies there are usually $2 but since we went on a Tuesday, it was only $1! Win! This movie is RIDICULOUS. The premise is that a couple goes diving and the lady can't breathe and her guy won't lend her his oxygen tank. Not a good look man. She somehow manages to pull through but accidentally cuts his face with the boat's propeller. Really? Yes, really. The guy is scarred for life. Literally. The lady comes back a few years later with some friends. Scarred boy has meanwhile gone crazy so he and his buddy have been taking all different types of shark species and putting them into the lake. They feed people to the sharks and tape it so they can sell the videos. Shark Week is very popular afterall. If this movie doesn't sound amazing to you, well, there must be something wrong with you. Aah??

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