Thankfully, my dear friend Diane had taken a vaca day from work to hang out with me. We met up in BK and headed to lunch. I ordered a lentil salad thinking that this may be beneficial for my sensitive stomach. Once again, what was I thinking?! Since we rarely see each other, we decided it fitting for us to have a toast. I was semi-bent post Bloody Mary #1. We ended up having four 3pm. I was a mess. Naturally, at this point, we decided it would be a great idea to hit up the psychic near the train. Psychic lady asked me if her cat was bothering me. I immediately blocked out everything else she had to say. CATS NEVER BOTHER ME. Diane and I then went to Big D's to check out the sheet selection. I've always rocked the solid sheet in a cheery color (yellow!) but had the sudden urge to throw a flower or stripe into the mix. We stared at the sheets for 45 minutes. I was getting stressed. A decision could not be made. I was starting to feel sad/hungover so we parted ways.
I laid down and tried to get myself together because I had to review a show later that night. Toast came into play. I walked the mile plus trek to Music Hall, umbrella-less in the rain. I had to review Frightened Rabbits. The only thing I really wanted to write about was how the woman behind me at this show was a bitch but I supposed that was not review appropriate. Instead, I wrote this: Not my best work, but under the circumstances, not awful.
Thursday was rather delightful. Hit up the gym and had another psychic encounter. Listen, I'm not sure if I really believe any of this stuff. Wednesday's psychic was more like we had Bloody Marys and this is funny. And Thursday, the lady stopped me and said some dead on stuff so I decided to chat her up some more. She was creepily accurate. Eeeh, who knows. Work was badass that night. Solid music=solid time! The early show was very pleasing to the ear, good for the hip shaking and the hips don't lie! The late show was The Dawes who were playing for some guy's birthday. Not too shabby!
Friday was cool beans too. Michelle and I had a most delish lunch at the Roebling Tea Room and then had adventures at Kings Pharmacy, a toy store and Whisk, among other places. Sans Michelle, I headed to Big D's again. It is AMAZING the difference in selection when SOBER! Fell in love with some sheets and immediately had them washed so I could get in them. Things were looking up!
Saturday. Well, Saturday not as pleasant. For one, I could not decide what to wear to work. I want to throw everything out. I had the brilliant (or NOT!) idea to cut up one of my beautiful, new pillow cases in order to make a shirt. DID NOT WORK. OBVIOUSLY. Work was a SHIT SHOW. The early show was hilarious and amazing! The Notorious MSG played. Not going to lie, I definitely bought a shirt...and cds....and posters....ha. This one customer said to me: "I love this band. They ('re) Asian band. I'm Asian." I looked at her and said "Oh, I didn't notice." The late show, well the late show was metal and everyone was getting kicked out. It was insane. As in, REALLY INSANE.
The cab ride home. Cabby: "Honey, some people are born assholes. Some people die assholes. Honey, I've been all over the world. Honey, I was a body guard in Hollywood and did things in Istanbul others would not even dream of. Honey, I'm writing three books and a Broadway musical. Honey, the musical is about two gypsies who fall in love but are really brother and sister. They were separated at birth. Honey, it doesn't work out. It's a tragedy. Honey, ask me anything. I promise you, I will give you the best answer I've got. Honey, guys just want to get it in. Honey, remember to enjoy yourself. Honey, you're gonna think of a question in three weeks and wish I was around." I finally reach the door to my apartment, and my landlord's 19 year-old son is standing there fumbling with the keys. "I was supportin' my DJ friend. I supported my DJ friend. I got free drinks. I was supportin' a DJ friend." He has flowers in his hands. I tell him they're nice. "Have them. I was gonna give 'em to my mom but you have 'em. Stole 'em from two houses down." "Oh, well you can give them to your mom, thanks though." "NO. HAVE 'EM". I took the flowers.
Sunday at work. Oh, ya know, made $6 and
spent $2 on cookies. REALLY?! The only redeeming part of this day was that after everyone (as in no one) left, we watched R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet online. R. Kelly may be a total creeper, but holy cow, what a genius. If you're sad because Mercury is in retrograde and you'll probably end up alone and you are totally broke, you should definitely watch it!!! Ha....If I make more than $20 next time I work, I'm totally buying all of the chapters!!
For future reference.
ReplyDelete"The lady behind me was a bitch." is a quality review of any show.
I have spoken.