Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 25th.

June 25th just passed and I am happy to announce that I survived the day unscathed. The last couple of June 25ths have been kind of rough....

June 25, 2009

Annual field trip to Dorney Park in Pennsylvania. I get to work around 7 am, the bus containing around twenty-five middle school students, myself, my pregnant co-worker and my terrible co-worker, depart around 8am. The kids are obviously yelling, singing and throwing things. Going to be a fun day, going to be a fun day. We arrive in PA a few hours later. In an attempt to go with the flow, I go on various rides and run around the park with the kids. A few hours later, I can't move. I feel incredibly sick. I'm laying on a bench. Pregnant co-worker lying next to me. We are possibly dying. Word gets in that King of Pop Michael Jackson has died. ARE YOU KIDDING?! SO SAD!! Kids go missing. We have to get security. We finally get everyone together oh around maybe 8pm or so and get back on the bus. The bus breaks down multiple times on the way home. I feel like I'm going to die. We get back to the school past eleven. Other kids are waiting there, one with a knife. Of course. A couple of my students live in East New York aka not so nice, so I ride the subway with them to make sure they get home safe. I get home around midnight. I feel TERRIBLE. I have to get up early the next morning. I'm catching a ride with my friend's boyfriend to Boston for a mini-getaway. I have not seen my friend in forever and am very excited. But, I am SICK. I of course have the runs. Ah, terrible. I barely eat at our dinner and keep running out in the middle of "Up".  I need to go to bed. In the middle of the night, I get up to go to the bathroom and pass the fuck out. My friend heard me crash and ran in. She drove me to my parents' house an hour away early the next morning. So much for catching up. I proceeded to be sick for the next ELEVEN days. I am fairly certain I had swine flu or something but I have been pretty anti-roller coasters ever since. 

June 25, 2010

Dorney Park field trip AGAIN. Bus leaves at 8am. This time I'm riding with my co-worker who plays the trumpet in her cult's band (dead serious) and my other co-worker who only dates married men. Plus all of those kids. Aaaah. The bus is moving along, wheels going round and round. The bus driver all of a sudden pulls into a giant entrance. He seems proud. He has pulled into, wait for it, SIX FLAGS IN NEW JERSEY. Congratulations, you are an idiot. We are going to PENNSYLVANIA. This is the same driver that on the way to field day when he took the wrong exit, thought it would be an excellent idea to put the bus in reverse and BACK ONTO THE HIGHWAY. Ummmm...So anyway. Since we are all paid for Dorney Park, he turns the bus around and we are back on the road. THREE more hours go by until we reach our destination. The day is of course HELL. I quit two weeks later. 

June 25, 2011

The worst part about this day is that my contact got lost in my eye for around thirty minutes. That actually was quite terrible. But! It came to and I could see again. Victory! This year on this date, I got up really early to volunteer with the kitties at BARC. Fell in love with one kitten in particular who kept jumping out of the cage to land on my chest. Adorbs! Post cats, I ran into a friend who had me come over for a minute to meet her cat and then I pet a cat on a street. So many cats! I ran a few miles, so fit, so fun. Then went into Manhattan to, you guessed it!, check in on a cat I was sitting for the weekend. At night, I worked a hip hop karaoke event. Kind of intense. BUT! I did acquire a gold tasseled stick that is legit taller than me. All and all, win and win.

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