Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bronchitis, ain't nobody got time for that!!!

So, part of the reason I've been totally slacking is because I've been feeling totally lackluster! The wedding, which was amazing and that I started to blog about in my last post, was also great because it made the sickness kind of come to a head. Staying out late and playing Apples to Apples will definitely take a cold to the next level! I finally went to the doc's last week, and they put me on Prednisone which is a steroid and will kill the badness. The problem with me at the doctors (where do I start) is that despite the fact that I may appear semi-ill (black rings under eyes and coughing), I'm still chatting away asking about Easter plans and the weather.  Example: Doctor walks in. I ask her how she's doing. She replies she's okay, but how am I feeling. "Well, you know, don't feel so great, but it's sunny out!" It's amazing I got any medicine really. But, back to the Prednisone. I officially understand why athletes do crazy stuff when on the 'roids. I'm not doing anything nuts, but I definitely had a couple of days on edge. I tried to make a mix cd and my computer could no longer detect my burner. I was BESIDE myself. And you should have seen me making spelt flour cat biscuits. They ended up coming out great, but oh my, what a process! So angry!!!

Anyway, and then I was thinking, people call me Killah K, that's for sure, but I'm about more than just the day to day! I have recipes! And advice! And lots of good stuff to throw around! So, I'm going to work on really making this site completely awesome! Please be patient with me! I have more ideas than I can keep up with! Okay, so I suppose this is a sort of pregame post. It doesn't really tell the rest of what happened leading up to and including the wedding. That's coming though! This is more, making mixed cds while on 'roids is terribly annoying and there is a lot of great stuff to come! So, thanks for reading and please be patient as the greatness manifests!!!

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