Friday, August 3, 2012

Elderly People.

King's Row!
I went from catching live (not dead) music nearly every night to seeing the local "talent" at my Gma's assisted living place.  Welcome to my life. The annual bbq outdoor fiesta thing was this past week. The band, King's Row, was actually not totally terrible.  Since it was outdoors, they didn't have to worry about turning down their amps too much. Hearing aids and amps do not mix! My Gma somehow scored us seats in King's Row "reserved" section, front row! Oh man.  The group has been performing together for thirty-one years and had some nice harmonies, but some of their song choices killed me a bit.  I'm all about oldies but "Unchained Melody" and "Runaround Sue"?? Really?? "And now we are going to play some of the most romantic songs ever." NO THANK YOU!! Please, please, no thank you! I will give the bassist/vocalist props however for hitting some of those high notes.

For a brief moment moment I thought maybe there'd be a potential not terrible fellow there, maybe a grandson or something.  Clearly not.  Scanning the audience of snow-capped heads, it was painfully obvious that the median age was 80.

Gma and I

Speaking of hanging with an older crowd, I've been taking Zumba with my mom and am definitely the youngest person in class. Unlike the elderly home, the median age is closer to 55.  Lots of mambo-ing to songs about being sexy and the roof being on fire.  The ladies absolutely LOVE dancing to Usher's song "Scream".  When the instructor asks if anyone has any requests, fifteen or so ladies chime in enthusiastically requesting the jam.  I'm not sure if they would like it so much if they could actually heard the lyrics.  I know that they can't hear them because a few have mentioned that they have no idea why the song is called "Scream".  "Does he even say scream in the song? I've never heard the word scream. I would have thought the song would be ooh baby baby."  One lady told me that she never thought much of Usher's music, but that has not stopped  her from thinking he is very handsome.  Obviously, I had to agree with her on his looks.  FYI: there is a whole lotta hip rolling in this dance.  It is QUITE the scene...

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