I'm very stoked that I had a most productive week. I did some work on my book Raw Meat and Other Ways to Get Your Heart Broken (oh, just wait for it!), subbed four times, and paid off two credit cards. Moving home felt like a setback but I really think I'm going to be in a magnificent state when I venture off to the city again (which city is still undecided). I feel like I'm preparing a big meal and come spring/summer, I'll be completely cooking with propane and the food will be to die for! My thought process makes sense, I swear.
So, fifth graders are officially as tall as me. That's pretty pathetic. I've had a good time subbing except today when kids were talking about cats vs. dogs and the dogs kept being favored. Why do we need to pick favorites? After all these pro-dog speeches, I'd lead the class in a round of applause, and then tell them that while I appreciate what they wrote, I cannot agree with their words. Ha. I'm sick of people saying cats aren't loyal, aren't tough, aren't loving, and are basically terrible. I guess they never met Inky, my cat who got his jar wired before Kanye was even on the scene, or Mittens, my fine feline who had to get her leg amputated. Now those are some badasses. Slash also was a good guy, though totally off his rocker. And Rags, oh he is the Dean Martin of cats. So sweet! Rags also thinks that he is a dog. Aaaand, I sound like a crazy cat lady. Well, shocker.
Anyhoo, I was quite sad to see the Patriots lose on Sunday but I'm not going to stop being a fan. They did a fine job getting to the Bowl in the first place, shows they have a lot of heart. I'm kind of a sucker when it comes to sports, and also award shows, because I feel so sad for the non-winner (loser sounds too harsh). I also feel kind of bad for Gisele. She's getting a lot of heat for saying, “My husband can not f****ing throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time. I can’t believe they dropped the ball so many times.” Throwing people under buses is obviously a no, but I think she said it in the heat of the moment to defend her man. In a strange way, the Pats' loss kind of inspired me. Well, honestly, at first it made me wonder if it was a bad omen for the year but then I realized that absolutely makes no sense. Once I realized that, I started to worry that people would talk smack about the Pats. And then it hit me, if people can't recognize that Brady (for instance) is super talented (despite not winning), then they're idiots. And then it hit me, that if people can't realize that I'm amazing then they're idiots. And then it further hit me, who cares what anyone thinks. Of course it is ridiculous that I had this train of thought as a result of watching the game, but my mind is something else I tell you.
The Celtics have been on a run too. Paul Pierce compared his team to being an old, rusty car, hanging out in the garage. After some fine tuning, it's ready to run better than ever. Pierce also just passed Bird's record for being the second highest scorer in team's history. Crazytown. And also crazytown is the fact that they're making a Bird/Magic musical. I love basketball. I love musicals. But....really?!?!
Speaking of b-ball, I was thinking about the Great Sir Charles aka my favorite player ever, and his wonderful mantra "I may be wrong but I doubt it." Thinking led to me stumbling across this gem:
Speaking of b-ball, I was thinking about the Great Sir Charles aka my favorite player ever, and his wonderful mantra "I may be wrong but I doubt it." Thinking led to me stumbling across this gem:
What else. Oh, I changed my sheets on Sunday and it only took me two tries to get the bottom sheet on correctly. This is a record. It usually takes me around fifteen times. In bad news, we finally took our Christmas decorations down. Yes, it's February. I think it's okay though because it means we are one step closer to spring and in spring things are really going to be jumping off. Total razmataz!!
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