Saturday, October 1, 2011


I'm on a huge hiatus from life. I've traded in the bustling city for the countryside. I went for a walk today. It's around a mile each way on my street. I'd have to walk a mile to the subway from my apartment in BK. There, I would have to dodge cars and people. I would pass endless restaurants, bodegas, hip happenings. In the country I passed lots of woods, a farm or two, one neighbor (the tree cutter who was cutting trees at the time), sheep, horses and a dog kennel. Ah. WHAT. I've been having trouble sleeping. I got up at 4am today, hoping that if I watched some tv and got my mind of stuff that sleeping would come easier. My dad was just getting up. He fixed himself a short Bloody Mary and I opted for cranberry juice. At 5am he announced he was going to go upstairs to shave. My parents have been quite supportive and lovely. My mom encourages long walks by the ocean. Good for the soul she says. I'm getting three square meals here. Literally for the dishes are not round. In addition, it is great to be reunited with my dear cat Rags. Rags is so handsome and chill, very Dean Martin-esque. He knows he is a looker too. He stares at himself in the fireplace. Great self-confidence.  I have decided I can read cats way better than human boys. I know when cats want to be left alone and I know when they'd like a petting. Cats always come back though. Belly rubs are too good to give up on completely. Anyway, gotta go frost a cake. 

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