I try to find the humor in the everyday. The fact that strange things tend to happen to me doesn't hurt either. This blog covers random thoughts and personal stories- from the taxi driver who played the flute WHILE driving to sending rash text messages while mercury is in retrograde (whatever that means). Normal stuff.
Monday, September 5, 2011
See You In Your Dreams
I was walking home last night and this disheveled in his own right, loopy looking man stopped to tell me "It's so crazy! You were just in my dream and now you're here!" I replied, "Oh yeah, nice to see you." He then thanked me for showing up. I was doing laundry today and that same man was in there. Today he compared the dryers at this laundry mat to the one three blocks away, saying these are hotter, and told me not to eat a lot of meat, among other things.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Rejected Again.
Charlie and I spotted another hot homeless guy today. We asked him if he wanted food and he rejected us. WHAT DO YOU WANT THEN? Sorry we don't have heroin. Did you want to come home with us? Watch me ask this dude to come home and he says no. Not good for the self-esteem. Not good at all. Last time Charlie and I bought a homeless dude a hot dog he requested two. We didn't think of it until we came back and all of a sudden there was his hot homeless girlfriend. So now on dates I have to pay for you and your girlfriend? This is getting to be bad for the soul. At least in Boston when I'd buy homeless dudes food they never had girlfriends. They were never very sexy though.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Vincent D
And on a lighter note!
I saw Vincent D'Onofrio from Law And Order: Criminal Intent in Union Square yesterday. He was taking a break from his bike ride to sit on the steps and talk on the phone. I studied him for just a moment and realized that he IS his character. That's kind of frightening but also sort of amazing.
Additionally: I REALLY WANT A CAT.
Oh and to make myself laugh I did this yesterday----->
People are a lot smarter than they look for everyone seemed to miraculously avoid the peel. Not that I was looking for any serious injuries of course.
I saw Vincent D'Onofrio from Law And Order: Criminal Intent in Union Square yesterday. He was taking a break from his bike ride to sit on the steps and talk on the phone. I studied him for just a moment and realized that he IS his character. That's kind of frightening but also sort of amazing.
Additionally: I REALLY WANT A CAT.

People are a lot smarter than they look for everyone seemed to miraculously avoid the peel. Not that I was looking for any serious injuries of course.
Interview In An Alternate Universe.
Had a job interview scheduled for 10am on Monday for a music publicist position. It's not necessarily the dream, but I like music (when it's not terrible) and am creative and love to write. Plus, income is necessary. Somehow I manage to get to the area around an hour early. I circle and walk around for a bit. 9:40 rolls around and I decide it is okay for me to head up. I go in the building. I tell the receptionist desk-man guy where I need to go and he looks at me like I'm an idiot and informs me that the building is JUST private condos. Ah, wtf. So, I head outside feeling quite confused. I check my email and the guy I'm meeting with had confirmed the address that I was at. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! I call the number on the website it rings and rings. Finally a voice picks up and tells me I've got the wrong number. UGH. WHAT alternate universe am I in?? Anyone?? So I had my friend do some sleuthing and she found a number to a different division of the company. I call it. The guy tells me I had the right addy but the desk guy is kind of a prick. I go back. The guy I'm supposed to meet with isn't there. He's driving back from Upstate New York. Okaaay. Somehow, I tell the guy that is there how I can't ride a bike and other nonsense. Shocker. Interviewer calls office. He is going to be really late, could I come back Wednesday? Oh brother. I told the dude that was there I'm wearing the same outfit, no judging.
Wednesday rolls around. I was amazed that I had a wind considering I had gotten home from work past 2am. I was definitely loopy though. I met with the big cheese and he was cool shit. I liked what he was saying. I thought, I'm into this. Committing to work or anything is scary to this lady but I could maybe handle a few real hours here. Big Cheese asked me how my day was looking and if I'd be able to come back to meet his business partner. I told him I had to volunteer in Harlem at 1pm so we settled on 11:45.
Well, the business partner guy doesn't meet with me until around 12:30. He obviously asked me what music I've seen that I like. I named so many bands and artists. SO MANY. And OF COURSE of all the bands I said, he brings up the one with the guy I liked in it. Then brings him up. "Heard he's leaving the band. Maybe moving." UGH. REALLY DUDE. I CASUALLY asked if he was definitely moving. Business partner guys retorts with "Why? Are you in love with him?" You're asking me this in an interview?! "I could see why, he's a really sweet guy." JESUS. KILL ME NOW THANKS. Business partner guy then tells me how he appreciates all of the free work I do, shows I do things for the right reasons. In my head I'm thinking, it shows that I am BROKE. BPG also decides he does not wish to pay me. He is into the idea of a trial period. "Any idea of how much this would pay once the trial is done?" He replies "Well, it's more of a project based thing." So, basically I'm an intern and then am sort of freelancing? This was NOT listed as an internship by the by. It was listed as a REAL job. Free is not paying the bills. Oh, and I'm NOT in college anymore!!!!
I never made it to volunteering but I did manage to cry in public again! Score! And then I went and reviewed a show for free!
Wednesday rolls around. I was amazed that I had a wind considering I had gotten home from work past 2am. I was definitely loopy though. I met with the big cheese and he was cool shit. I liked what he was saying. I thought, I'm into this. Committing to work or anything is scary to this lady but I could maybe handle a few real hours here. Big Cheese asked me how my day was looking and if I'd be able to come back to meet his business partner. I told him I had to volunteer in Harlem at 1pm so we settled on 11:45.
Well, the business partner guy doesn't meet with me until around 12:30. He obviously asked me what music I've seen that I like. I named so many bands and artists. SO MANY. And OF COURSE of all the bands I said, he brings up the one with the guy I liked in it. Then brings him up. "Heard he's leaving the band. Maybe moving." UGH. REALLY DUDE. I CASUALLY asked if he was definitely moving. Business partner guys retorts with "Why? Are you in love with him?" You're asking me this in an interview?! "I could see why, he's a really sweet guy." JESUS. KILL ME NOW THANKS. Business partner guy then tells me how he appreciates all of the free work I do, shows I do things for the right reasons. In my head I'm thinking, it shows that I am BROKE. BPG also decides he does not wish to pay me. He is into the idea of a trial period. "Any idea of how much this would pay once the trial is done?" He replies "Well, it's more of a project based thing." So, basically I'm an intern and then am sort of freelancing? This was NOT listed as an internship by the by. It was listed as a REAL job. Free is not paying the bills. Oh, and I'm NOT in college anymore!!!!
I never made it to volunteering but I did manage to cry in public again! Score! And then I went and reviewed a show for free!
So much terribleness to discuss but let's just say for now, I have a splinter in my left foot and ate moldy grapes today. Well, yesterday now. I also had two beers spilled on me at work and when I went to declog the toilet the shit got on me. SO GROSS. Additionally, idiot parades. This one dude asked me for a business card REPEATEDLY. He said he hangs them up on his wall to mark where he's been. Great, you're 13. I told him REPEATEDLY we didn't have any. Eventually I offered up a business card a guy had given me. Dude acted offended as if HE was the dude I'm not calling. Brother. My foot really hurts. Much like entry "My Shit Is Dying" this is just summing it up, not actual roots of problems.
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