I've had a breakthrough week! I have become completely ruthless! I am following my gut! And I realized how much I really likey myself! Win! Win! Win! First off, I broke up with one of my friends! This has been a long time coming. I met this girl in middle school, because hey, it's middle school and who else are you going to be friends with?! We remained semi-close, on and off, until college, when I met a lot of other people. Said friend would call a lot, "Why aren't we catching up?! We don't talk as much as we used to?!" type shit. Annoying shit. Needy shit. Don't get me wrong, she is a good person, we've had good times, but the we must talk/hang out all of the time thing-not a fan. Plus, she wasn't bringing much to the table. Numerous times I tried to gently tell her we've just grown apart. Oh but not anymore. She wrote on my facebook wall Wednesday "can we please reconnect". I hadn't responded by Thursday and so she wrote under her own post "guess not". Um, passive agressive much! I ended that shit. I even turned direct, when she said I shouldn't be too busy for friendship, I reiterated with, "I am not too busy for people I want to be friends with."
I also quit a new job! Yay me! I am the type of person who feels guilty quitting anything and who also feels bad if I am not working an insane amount. There was a period over the summer where I literally worked 24 days in a row, including 17 hour days! No joke. I recently started this new bar job and I hated it right away. The gut was saying no, no, no! I worked Friday night, the night I was SUPPOSED to go see Wanda Jackson with Jack White. I worked for 9 hours. I got hit on by terrible people. The bar became a disgusting CLUB atmosphere. I made $39!!!! THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS IN NINE HOURS!! Saturday, I quit via text message!! And I do not feel bad! Whoa! Who am I?! Ruthless! and not caring!!
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