Friday, July 18, 2014

Eye Docs Part Deux.

Once again, the eye doctors did not disappoint. Damn, I really love it there.  This time I went to get some shiz removed from my face.  Sort of like a skin tag, but with a fancy name that I never could pronounce, so we'll just refer to it as stuff. And no, this stuff was not like huge or gross or anything, just there, and so I figured maybe it shouldn't be.  So, I'm sitting in this chair, they put a needle in my face.  Not a fan. Not a fan.  The needle is to insert the numbing gunk so that I don't feel the actual procedure.  Guess what? I feel that damn needle in my face.  The whole procedure was not actually that bad however.  Every once in a while, I'd make one of my ugh sounds, and the nice doctor man asked me if I was in pain, and I'd say no, but why do they have to pass the tools in front of me? And then all of a sudden the tool of choice became some burning stick tool thing (as in to burn off the stuff).  My "ugh" got really big then. "Are you okay?!" He's all concerned.  "Ah, the smell. I just don't like the smell!" And this is when I started talking about how I like cheeseburgers because I guess the burning smell reminded me of cheeseburgers? God only knows.  The nice doc man also really likes cheeseburgers though. He's okay with me calling up the office to give cheeseburger recs.

Also, he put a band-aid on my face and said I'd be reppin' the Nelly look.  He agreed that Nelly didn't have the best stuff, but still, the band-aid makes the reference makes sense.

Then again, about Nelly not actually being good, "Shake Your Tail Feather" came on my 2000s Hip Hop Pandora station, and it really is kind of catchy.

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