Okay, so there is that small part of me who can see the "beauty" in photographing heart broken women wearing their ex-lovahs' shirts, but basically I just think this is a
Terrible Idea!!! I mean, obviously you're depressed, do you really need everyone in the world to see this public pining?! Sort of terrible, and by sort of, I mean completely. Imagine the ex looking at this?! If anything, perhaps there should be photos of women burning these shirts?? Wouldn't that make more sense???
In other news, the eye doctors, I find, is an excellent confidence booster. I have been twice in the last two weeks. Since I'm on vacation, I'm basically always at a doctors of some sort, because I'm elderly, and besides eating dinner at 4 pm, what else is there to do? Anyway, the eye doctors. Great times! Well, minus the not being able to see for most of it due to the contacts being out. Anyhoo. Every time I'm at the eye doc's, I always warn them that I am indecisive and determining which picture looks better will most likely be extremely difficult for me, and annoying for them. Yet, every time I said "Ah, I'm not sure?" they responded with "Great! Good job!" In my head I'm thinking, okay, so I literally can't tell you if picture a or picture b looks better and I'm probably messing up this whole test, yet, I'm still doing great?! This is amazing! The best is when they asked me what my birthday is. "June 6th," I replied. I was confident in this answer, and they rewarded me, big time. "You're right! Awesome! It is June 6th!!" Seriously?! I will pay a $15 copay and get poked in the eye EVERY SINGLE DAY for the rest of my life to feel this supported in life. It's really a great feeling.