I'm not sure if his name is Jack, but he definitely has one eye. I got to talking to some lady on the train (naturally) about online dating. From my experience, online dating is the equivalent of the taking all of the herbs you'd meet at a bar and putting them on one convenient site. Score! So anyway, she was telling me this story about how she met her boyfriend online and they dated for years and while it was actually a pretty good (yet tragic, sad) story, it is too personal and not mine to tell. But one-eyed Jack, I feel no qualms about getting into that one. Anyway, she was telling me how she went on a date recently and not only was the guy way shorter than denoted online, he also only had one eye. I'm not even talking about a glass eye situation, just legit one eye was missing. Also, I am not hating on one-eyes. I mean, honestly, I don't want to see half the things I have to on a regular basis....Nevertheless, you may be wondering how she did not pick up on this from his pictures. I certainly was. Evidently, the dude only had pictures of his profile up. Pretty smart if you ask me. Also, this guy spent a year living out of his car in the middle of nowhere as a means to get life material to write about. Hey, he now has stuff published in
New York Times. Maybe I should go live in my car. Might improve my writing!
In other news, today the fifth grade class was subjected to the dreaded video about how the body changes. I remember watching that and being so appalled I didn't talk to my parents for a week. So, one of my students did not have her mom sign-off on being able to watch the video so she had to call and ask for permission. This lead to me asking her if she knew how to say "puberty" in Vietnamese. Lots of awkwardness ensued.
Speaking of awkward, I saw my grandma in her underwear tonight...
The end.
LOL! I once met a guy online that didn't tell me that he was missing an arm! He was a chef too so that surprised me even more!