Saturday, June 8, 2013

Rod Stuart, Phil Collins=Nostalgia at Age 8.

June 6th marked my 29th year of blessing this here Earth. Holla! As usual, I had around five minutes this past week dedicated to having my parents assure me that 29 is still a young and vibrant age. This is something, I feel, that is sort of common for people to start worrying about once they hit, oh, 26 or so.  Creeping up on thirty-how in the world?! They wonder! Here are two truths though: 1. Thirty is NOT old. Nor is 100, as long as you find the joys of being alive, stay active, and healthy. 2. I've felt simultaneously old and also young since the age of 7 or 8. Dead serious. This has something to do with

Birthday dinner #1. Birthdays=food=stomach ache=worth it.

Best cake ever courtesy of my amazing mom. 
Phil Collins, Rod Stewart,and Don Henley, as well as a few other popular songsters. I have vivid memories of driving around in my parents' station wagon at age seven wondering if I was old as Phil or Rod or Don blared through the radio, making me feel super nostalgic.  I would think about who exactly  is this Maggie May?, what exactly is in the air tonight? hold on!, and how I remembered when I heard the "Boys of Summer" the previous summer, at age six.

And TMI but when I finally got my period I cried all day, making my mom assure me that she still loved me even though I was officially old. I was in like sixth grade.

I guess there is a fear that life will just pass by, another year of thinking about Maggie, but this really is not the case. Every day in every year is worth living. Every day is a brand new start. So with that in mind, I try to really value my life. I am pretty lucky after-all! And I think most of us are pretty lucky if we start focusing on what really matters and living life to the fullest.

Now this has somehow gotten way too preachy and for that I apologize. But go forth people! Truly enjoy your days! Get low! Stay young! Feel vibrant! Life is for living!

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