Monday, October 8, 2012

Do You Know Manny Diaz??

I just had the longest run ever and no, it's not because I'm a complete slowpoke. Slowpoke is considered to be quite the insult to 6 year-olds by the by. I live on this basically deserted street fully equipped with a couple of farms and a professional lumberjack.  I usually can get away with avoiding human contact which is quite pleasant but every once in awhile I ran into a non-animal.  Today it was Alfred, an eighty-something toothless man with a thick Portuguese accent.  I have no probs in stopping for a five minute hey, being completely aware that he'll probably talk to me about crops and bulldozers and people I don't know and ask me my name for the fifteenth time.  This is fine.  Even if the script runs over the allotted five minutes, it's cool.  Today, the convo went on for literally close to an hour. I'm talking SIXTY DAMN MINUTES. He begins by talking to me about Canadian coins.  Canadian coins?! This lasts at least 8 minutes before he gets into the usually topics. And then come a lot of questions like, "Do you know Manny Diaz?" Manny Diaz??? Also, there are probably like a thousand Manny Diaz's around here. Sometimes I am truthful and say no, but then I see the disappointed look on his face, so then lie and pretend I know who the all these Manny's and Lee's and Souza's are.  At one point, he falls into a ditch.  Seriously? Dude is falling into a ditch? How the hell do you stop talking to an 80 something man who is constantly falling? So, I try to walk him back to his house.  Him talking about King James, conservation tactics, Manny, and sheep the entire time.  Me saying "yeah" and "that's cool" and "I'm sorry to hear that".  After this slow-ass walk, he decides to stop and throw his walking stick into the woods.  Despite his lack of movement, the conversation has not yet ended.  He now wants to discuss snakes, people living in the woods and eating wild animals, and then of course, Canadian coins again.  So many times, I attempted the "well, I'm going to run to the end of the street now" and also contemplated just literally running away. Eventually, he thankfully ran out of gas and I was able to run away. And when I say run, I mean RUN. Nice guy, that Alfred.

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