My Great Aunt Evelyn passed away last week. Death is obvs sad but in her case, there is not a doubt in my mind that she is in a fantastic place. She definitely deserves it. Even in her last days, eighty-eight years-old and sick, she never complained. She always found the positive, was incredibly sharp, and insanely spunky. Her memorial service proved to be more joyful than sad too. The priest joked that he wouldn't be surprised if she was telling God how to run heaven. It was nice to see family too, always pretty comedic. For instance, when my sister told my Uncle Tweege (he used to wear a lot of tweed, hence the name) that she has laryngitis, he asked, "can you give it to her?" in reference to his wife. Good stuff. Outside the church was an amazing orange cat who took a major liking to me. Maybe this is some sort of holy sign or something. Maybe he is like Baby Jesus in cat form. Just jokes...But anyway, I'm going to check on this little guy in a couple of weeks and quite possibly adopt him.
Post ceremony, we went to a Portuguese restaurant called Barcellos. The waitress was this feisty Portuguese woman who insisted we get a bowl of kale soup and not a cup. She literally would not allow us to get cups. "Soup give you power! Power!" Uncle Tweege told her that she is "tougher than a boiled owl". That is now my new favorite saying. Evidently it's been around for forever and a day. My dad said that when he played football back in the day they had a boiled owl award for the toughest player. So, now, not just am I aiming to be the leading lady of my life, I'm also aiming to be the Boiled Owl of my life. It all makes sense.
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