Sunday, January 22, 2012

In a NY Minute.

Boom shalaka! I did a drive-by NY visit this past week. Please forgive me if you know me and I didn't get to see you. Or if I don't know you and I didn't get to see you. There's always next time!


As soon as I entered Grand Central I was reminded of things I did not miss. For example 1. people 2. the guy asking for money on the train that always ends up standing RIGHT in front of me.

I found myself laughing in public a lot which is a vast improvement over the end of me living there when I'd be crying in public. What a difference a good mood can make. I remember being so fed up during my last months that I would often stare people coldly in the eye, miraculously deepen my voice and demand them to move. I was back to my polite self and saying hi to people I didn't know. I have to stop doing that. It gets out of control...

First stop on my docket was to visit my best, Cassie (whom you will also see me refer to as Cash $ and Bird). Cash and I became fast friends in college, bonding over the side ponytail, and have shared many a ridiculous moment since. She's been reppin' the west coast for the last few years as I held it down in New York. Of course, my shit luck would have it that she'd move to the city just as I was fleeing it. Pressed for time, I hit her up near her work so we could have a quick yet delightful chat over some coffee. Good times.

I then proceeded downtown to drop my shiz off at the great Lady D's apartment. I went to use the bathroom and put my phone on the back of the toilet. It then promptly jumped in the toilet. I didn't drop it, it dove in willingly. Ah, I'm an idiot, duh. For one, why the hell did I need my phone in the bathroom? Secondly, I was completely sober. Thirdly, figures it would happen during a trip where many correspondences would have to go down. Another example of my great timing, not. I put it to a blow dryer for an hour or so and then immediately read afterwards that you are not supposed to put it to a blow dryer. Of course not.

Giving up, I had some nachos at Piano's and then went to DANCE CLASS!!!! Getting low in Jlee's class is seriously the best I've felt in a looooooooooong ass time. The jams were pumping high and hot damn, was I feeling it, yo. The routine was to Tyga's "Rack City" which has quite the bumpin' baseline and requires much hood action. I somehow survived the push ups and only blacked out a few times during the number. Score!  I wasn't able to muster as much gutta as necessary but feel good about future get lows.
 I soooo enjoyed hearing Jlee remind us all to "let that go" and absolutely was tickled pink to see my fabulous dance crew that I completely heart.

Lady D and I then went to UCBEast to check out a stuttering comedian who talked about chopping off the head of a suckling pig. Delightful.

Friday found me having scrambled eggs and bacon with the wonderful Michelle, shooting the shit and catching up on the lives. We gave the hangout a 6 out 5 stars.

Bird and I met up again, going to happy hour with my good friend Jess. Tell me why I tried a pear cider? Bad news bears! Bird and I then went LIPS, a drag show in midtown. It's tradition that we go to a drag show in every city that we reside in. Boston had us at Jacque's Cabaret where all the ladies went for their bachelorette parties and we went to celebrate Presidents Day. In LA., we hit up drag queen bingo. That was ridick. Whenever someone would win, they had to run around the room as everyone else threw their crumpled cards at them and the queen cried "pelt her! pelt her!". LIPS was by far the classiest one we've been to and therefore the most expensive, agh. Both of our drinks tasted like different variations of the BU jungle juice (aka students at Boston University's recipe for drunk and college and sick). Really hard to sip down. Somehow at LIPS everyone was turning 16. How are 16 year-olds here? What?! And why do they look older than me?! Ah...The last queen to go on was the best. She did a Nikki Minaj montage and damn, was she ever so sassy! Very inspirational! I like how I always get inspired whenever I go to these shows. Makes me also want to werk (see: work) it big time. All in all however, Jacque's is way more dive and also raunchier than LIPS so if you are picking which city to live in based on this, Boston wins this time.

Hanging with Bird is great because it's like a bad musical nonstop. Lots of singing of strange tunes, dance moves down the street and pulling of odd faces while pointing out all of the "are you dead serious" happenings surrounding us. Somehow there are always a lot of those.  We saw a guy wearing a full plaid suit walking down the street. This is not a super wtf moment granted, but still, really?! Kind of liked it though...Anyway, The next day we had brunch and then watched the SyFy movie "Sasquatch Mountain" aka the WORST MOVIE EVER. "Cranks" was coming on when I had to leave. Disappointing...

On the train home, the girl sitting next to me and I were discussing life. We talked about how she is going to go to Columbia Law and how she had at first deferred it. She felt like she was a mess because she didn't go right away. I confided in her that I once got into grad school and didn't even respond because my cat Slash  had died and rent went up that week, forcing me to look for a new apartment. And now I'm looking to reapply to the same damn school. We also discussed Boston vs. New York. She loves Boston and is hesitant to move to the big city. She asked me what I had liked most about NY. I had to think. I told her I made great friends, and had a lot of random adventures and things happen to me (but that seems to happen everywhere). And I told her I loved dance class. She said there is dance class in Boston too. I don't think I was selling it ha. But, I am sure that this time next year I may be back. Or not.

Gotta say though, getting low and hanging out with some of your favorite people is a recipe for greatness. Definitely helped to put even more pep in my step.

So, New York, I may be back. I may be living up in you again sometime soonish. Trying to get my ducks all in their proper rows. Alternatively, I may never move back. Who the hell knows?! In the meantime, it's definitely good to be back in New England especially for the Patriots game. Since they won last week, we are having a repeat game meaning I have to make the nachos and muddy buddies again which means I am definitely going to have the worst stomach ache ever in just a couple of hours. Cheers.

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