Wednesday, January 27, 2010


As soon as I get to work this morning I was hit with the blast of heat as well as a favor request from my hook her wig in. It took a lot out of me to do this without puking. I was overheating and lacking sleep and I am just a bit of a squimmish peep. So, she is lifting her wig so I can attach a strand to some strange loop thing and she is going on and on about her low blood sugar and breaking out into sweats and I am trying not to throw up on top of her. This is all very pre-coffee.

Lately when I leave work I legit REJOICE and I am not even exaggerating. I break into a laughing fit and literally skip down the street. Not sure if this is healthy.

Yesterday I was playing Scrabble with a kid and she spelled out "gat". I asked her if she had an "e", so that she could spell "gate". The student explained that a gat is a gun but yeah, since it is slang it probably wouldn't work anyway.

I read somewhere that if you are counting down to Friday you should look for a new job.

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