Monday, March 23, 2015


So, I've been pretty much non killing it for the last three months to five years.  Here's the reasoning: I mean, life.  Dude, it's exhausting being alive.  One has got to work and go to school and talk to people.  How does one maintain??

Well, today, I had a good day, Ice Cube style.

For one, I killed it at work.  I was all teaching like whoa and not sweating the small stuff.

Then, I did super adult stuff.  For instance,I  actually tackled my to-do list. It's been the same to-do list for the entire winter, rewritten in multiple notebooks, and consistently looming over my head.  Fun stuff---figure out student loans, reschedule physical appointment, file a claim of sorts. Done. Done. Done. Granted, taxes, a whole other story... And well, by figuring out student loans, that basically means I called a bunch of peeps up and told them I had no idea what I did when I previously pulled an adult and consolidated.  Still, progress.

Next up, yoga.  While there seems to be a lack of hot guys lately, I am dealing by not being terrible at my practice all of a sudden.  It's like bam! Wheel, got this. Camel, holla. And, Boy George, finally nailed that crow.  And today, my instructor held my feet up and I did a headstand and while it kind of hurt my head and I needed assisting, what a rush, I tell ya. Good stuff.

Then, I came home, and do you know what I did? I ate adult food, like chicken and spinach, and I made a killer mixed cd for cruising to work (entitled: Get it right. Get it tight). To top it off, I made bacon so I can have a bacon and avocado something at some point tomorrow.

Part of the reason that I am (hopefully) emerging from the winter funk for the rest of the year, is that not only do I have good peeps in my corner, but I'm cheerleading myself like a crazy. There has been a definite increase in singing aloud in public assuring myself that it's just life, no biggie smalls. It's working people.  So, even if you look a little nutter butters because you're singing "you got this. what what what" in public, I totally recommend it and assure you that it is worth the what-are-you-on-right-now looks.

Plus, it's almost summer and it will be a breezy 80 degrees and life will be so splendid.

As usual, this was pretty pointless.